Disturbing Behavior pt. 1

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THE NEXT DAY WAS very different than what Leah's days had normally looked like the whole summer. Especially now with the addition of Rebekah. Leah had been tasked with helping Rebekah catch up with the 21st century while Stefan and Klaus got breakfast.

"Remind me again how this works?" Rebekah said as she tapped random buttons on the new phone Klaus had managed to get between last night and this morning.

"You type out your message with these buttons and then press send. And then I'll get your message and reply. When I text back you'll see it." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a child I understand that much but how does it go from you to me?" She asked as I suddenly felt humbled.

"You know what I think it's time we transitioned to Google..." I said as she scrunched up her brows at the word.

"Yeah I know Google sounds stupid but it's actually really helpful" I said as she nodded along.

"Okay how do we get to Google?" She asked.

"We need a laptop or a computer for that." I said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Okay now you're just making up words." She said as I sighed. This was way more difficult than I would've thought.

"You know what you think this is crazy wait till you start exploring YouTube." I said as she looked confused.

"What will I find there?" She asked.

"Have you ever heard of tlc? My strange addiction goes crazy." I said as she looked intrigued.

"Sounds in-" Rebekah was cutoff by the door to our room opening.

"Good morning love, I take it Rebekah is ready to enter the real world now?" Klaus asked as I scoffed.

"Did you really think I could cover so much in such short time? You didn't even leave me with a laptop. How is she supposed to understand anything without access to internet?" I said as Klaus rolled his eyes.

"I'll take that as a no." Klaus said as Stefan entered the room. Rebekah instantly stood up when she saw Stefan. Her confused look was now replaced with happiness. This was so awkward considering everything I knew.

"So where's my breakfast?" I asked no one specific.

"They ran out of blue berry pancakes you wanted so there's some waffles in there." Stefan said as he handed me a to-go box. I groaned, the blue berry pancakes I wanted were amazing last time I had them. What a shame that I couldn't have them again.

"Well thanks, this just ruined my day." I said while pouting. Obviously I was joking but Klaus didn't know that.

"Oh cheer up, we're going shopping later as requested." He said as I perked up.

"Don't act like you're going shopping because I wanted too. We both know she can't be walking around in that all day." I said motioning to Rebekah in my clothes.

"And why not?" Rebekah asked as I rose an eyebrow.

"Not trying to fat shame or anything but we're not the same size." I said as she looked down at herself. I had given her a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and even those were snug or too short on her.

"My only other option is the dress." She said as I nodded.

"Mhm and the blood stain will draw more attention than the outdated dress." I said as she scoffed.

"This dress looks better and cost more than whatever you brought in that sack." Rebekah said as she motioned to my duffle.

"Hey I didn't exactly get to choose what to bring, he packed for me." I motioned to Klaus.

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