The Birthday pt. 2

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LEAH WISHED THERE WERE dull moments in her life. Truth be told she much preferred that to the chaos she had to live through nowadays. It was easier watching chaos in tv shows rather than having it unfold in her own life.

"Ray, you can end this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon." Stefan said after he threw another dart dipped in wolfsbane into Ray.

I was starting to feel queasy watching all of this unfold while also being sober. I turned away from the scene and looked to the bartender. Once he caught my eye he finally walked over.

"How can I help you little lady?" The guy asked.

"Two ways, one you can get me a three shots of vodka and a vodka cranberry, and second never call me little lady again." I said as he looked at me skeptically.

"I'm gonna need to see some ID." The bartender said as I frowned.

"Seriously? You're gonna let those two torture someone in your bar but you draw the line at serving minors?" I asked as the bartender looked at the scene in the bar stoically before looking back at me.

"Yes?" He said. I had to take a deep breath before my eye began twitching.

"Deep breaths love." Klaus said as he appeared next to me.

"Don't tell me what to do, tell him what to do! Which is to serve me." I said as Klaus looked amused.

"Get her whatever she wants." He said compelling the bartender. Immediately the bartender began preparing what I had asked for. I think Klaus was a little surprised as the bartender began placing all of my drinks in front of me.

"That quite a bit of alcohol love," Klaus stated.

"Yes I am aware, please go back to whatever it was you were originally doing." I said before grabbing my first shot. Without asking, Klaus grabbed one of the shots on the bar and downed it as I did mine.

"Never thought of you as the vodka type." Klaus said as I shrugged. Truth be told is was the only alcohol that really got me drunk fast. At least in my experience. Other stuff did too it just took more.

Just as Klaus was about to say something else a woman approached him. It was clear that he recognized her as he calmly leaned in and listened to what she had to say. Thankfully I was close enough to catch a couple words and those being 'information' and 'Damon.' I perked up as I heard his name.

"Well, thank you Claudine. You'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work or they're gonna watch her." Klaus said, I wasn't sure what he meant by the last part but he was most likely threatening someone to get this person to cooperate.

"Sorry what was that about?" I asked, forgetting all about my drinks. Stefan approached us. Having taken a pause on torturing Ray.

"My brother still on our trail?" Stefan said as I furrowed my eyebrows. Since when had Damon been on our trail? This was the first I was hearing about it. The thought of Damon being so close was so comforting yet distressing. I didn't want him to get hurt at the hands of Klaus but I also missed him.

I hadn't seen Damon since the night he was dying. Ever since I had come back to Mystic Falls I practically saw the Salvatores everyday. This had to have been the longest I had gone without seeing Damon. I had gotten so used to waking up to him or encountering him sometime early in the day. Gosh how times seemed simpler even just a few months ago.

"He's getting closer, I'm gonna have to deal with that." Klaus said as I glared at him.

"No, no, no! Let me handle it." Stefan said as he grabbed Klaus' arm.

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