The House Guest pt. 2

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THE FIRST FEW MOMENTS after stepping into the Grill were discouraging. Jenna parted from the group to the bar. Caroline was shut down by Matt ignoring her.

"Things just got real awkward." Bonnie said as I cracked a small smile.

"So... let's get a table then." I suggested as Caroline pouted.

The four of us sat down at a table and ordered some drinks as we listened to the bands play. Thoughts ran through my head but two main ones occupied most of the space. Telling Jenna the truth and how she would react. Along with the raven haired Salvatore. What could he and Katherine be up to? It was no secret he had a soft spot for the woman who I shared a face with.

"What are you in such deep thought about?" Bonnie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Nevermind." Bonnie said before turning to Caroline, "He said the ball's in your court." She said as Caroline sulked some more.

"Yeah, but I can't do anything about it." She complained.

"And why not?" I snapped, I was so tired of seeing everyone give up all the things they wanted because of some stupid 'can't have it all' mentality.

"All you do is talk about how much you care about him." Bonnie said agreeing with me.

"Yeah, but I am still keeping so many secrets." Caroline said, this was what I meant, knowing about all this supernatural stuff made us believe we had to sacrifice the good things in life.

"Alaric's in the same boat with Jenna and maybe that's our mistake. We're trying to protect the people that we love by keeping them out of it, but in the end, we're hurting them anyway." Elena said as I nodded.

"Exactly, why should we have to give up the good things? We were plagued with the misfortune of having to deal with all of this other crap, but that doesn't mean we get to stop living." I said as Caroline smiled at me. She definitely looked inspired as she stood up and removed her jacket. She handed the jacket to Elena.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Elena asked as Caroline made her way to the stage.

"I think we inspired her." I said as I looked around the table.

"Hey, everybody. Let's hear it for the band! Weren't they awesome?" She said as she grabbed the microphone suddenly.

"This isn't going to end well." Jenna commented as I rolled my eyes.

"Have a little faith Jenna." I said before Jenna dramatically took a shot.

"So there's this guy. And, uh, he told me to tell him how I feel about him. Like it's so easy. Um, you know, just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I always know what I'm actually talking about. Ah, like now, I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to express myself." Caroline said, the lead singer of one of the bands attempted to take the microphone away from Caroline but she resisted.

"I can sing. Yeah! Yeah. You know what, I'm going to sing." Caroline declared before letting the band know what she wanted to sing.

Caroline chose to sing eternal flame. Definitely wasn't expecting that song but she killed it. I was aware that Caroline could sing so well. Last time I heard her sing was probably seven years ago at a slumber party. Judging by the crowd's reaction they too were impressed. I found Matt in the crowd and made my way to him.

"Wow right." I said as Matt agreed wordlessly.

"She's wow..." Matt said in awe as I nodded.

"Of course she is, now what are you still doing here beside me?" I asked, this was enough for Matt to take a deep breath and make his way onto the stage.

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