Kill or Be Killed pt. 2

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LEAH HAD NEVER WITNESSED a murder but she had a feeling she would soon enough if the raven haired Salvatore wasn't pacified. Killing seemed to his go too at any time there seemed to be an inconvenience. This didn't sit too well with Leah seeing as she never wanted to end up in jail but since she was in the company on vampires, she had a feeling that wouldn't happen.

"This should help." I said as I handed Damon a glass of water. He quickly accepted the water and took a long sip before rinsing his mouth and spitting it out.

"Watch where you spit." I warned as the water had landed very close to my shoes.

"I'm gonna kill him." Damon said not paying attention to what I had said.

"Listen to me! Sit! Sit!" Stefan said as he forced Damon to sit down on a wooden bench.

"I'm not listening anymore of your "give peace a chance" crap. He's dead!" Damon said as he harshly threw Stefan's hand off his shoulder.

"Okay. I don't like it. He's making threats. He could expose us. We need to put him down." Stefan said as my mouth fell open.

"What! No! That's Tyler's uncle. He just lost his dad, don't make him lose another member of his family!" I said as Damon looked at me with a scowl.

"Oh so I suppose him exposing us is better!" Damon said as he got all up in my face.

"No but you started all of this! There's other ways of handling people, other ways that don't involve killing!" I said as I looked over at Stefan who seemed to be the only one really listening to me.

"Let's do it." Damon said as Stefan shot me a helpless look.

"I can't let you do this! I won't let you!" I said as Stefan shook his head at me. Damon went further and moved directly in front of me so that we were chest to chest.

"And what are you gonna do?" Damon asked as I glared at him.

"Don't do this Damon." I warned as he smirked.

"I'd like to see you try and stop me." He said before looking around for Mason. Just as Mason entered the woods Damon looked at Stefan.

"Woods. Trash duty. Come on." Damon said to Stefan before looking at me. "Stay." He said as I flipped him off.

Stefan and Damon each grabbed a trash bag before heading into the woods. And what did I do? Followed them of course. I hated being told what to do. And just maybe I could stop what was going to happen.

The trip through the woods was a silent one for me since I was trying to be stealthy. It wasn't until we were a good distance into the woods when I accidentally stepped on a twig which snapped, alerting the brothers that I had been following. I gasped as Damon appeared behind me and spun me around before speeding us to a tree so I was pressed against it with him pressed against me.

"Dramatic much, you knew I was following you!" I said as I tried wiggling away from Damon but he held me firmly yet gently. Was that even possible?

"You call it dramatic, I call it necessary. Was I not clear when I said to stay?" Damon asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"I'll let you know when I start obeying your commands." I said as I pushed him off me. "I can do what I want." I said as I straightened out my shirt and moved past him. I didn't look either of them as we walked. Eventually we stumbled upon Mason who looked slightly surprised.

"Don't look so surprised. You knew this was inevitable. Go ahead, run. I'll give you a head start." Damon said as Mason looked from the two brothers to me.

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