Bad Moon Rising pt. 2

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LEAH WAS QUICK TO exit the room. She quickly dialed Stefan's number knowing he was the one to be informed and that her sister would most likely be near the vampire. Stefan wasted no time picking up his new friends call.

"Hey, is everything okay" Stefan asked as soon as he had picked up the call. He probably assumed something had happened since all of today they had been calling me instead of the other way around.

"Yeah everything's fine just we learned some new stuff. It might sound a little crazy but I just wanted to be on the safe side and let you know." I said as I heard Elena asking to put me on speaker in the background.

"What's up?" Stefan asked. I quickly explained what I had found out.

"I don't know if it's all real or if we should even really think too much about it but it's a full moon tonight. Stefan after what you saw Mason Lockwood do..." I trailed off not know how else to put whatever I wanted to say.

"We'll be careful." He reassured.

"There's something else." I said as i recalled the vital piece of information.

"What is it?" He asked.

"According to the legend, a werewolf bite can kill a vampire." I said as Stefan went silent for a moment.

"Is there anything else?" Elena asked.

"No that's all." I said.

"Listen, I gotta go. we'll see you when you get home, okay?" Stefan said as I said my goodbye and hung up. I made my way back into the room and resumed my searching through boxes until I came across a picture of Katherine. I almost mistook it for myself before remembering that I had never actually met Isobel. There was no way she could have a picture of me so the next guess was Katherine.

"Hey, have you ever done research on doppelgängers?" I asked Vanessa as she entered the room.

"Well, the word means a lot of different things to different cultures, but typically a doppelgänger is a living, breathing double of oneself." She said as I nodded listening closely.

"Did Isobel ever have anything that explained the link between doppelgängers. You know me and Katherine." I asked as I looked back at the picture in my hand.

"That's all she had on Katherine, unfortunately, but I can tell you that doppelgängers usually torment the people they look like, trying to undo their lives. It's not exactly uplifting." Vanessa said as I looked at her then back at the picture. Yeah that sounded like the bitch Katherine.

"Trust me I already know about that part. I just want to know why we look alike." I said.

"Head scratcher, isn't it?" Damon said as he walked into the room, making it clear that he had been listening in on our conversation.

"Do you know something? Or are you just being as useless as usual." I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well, if I know anything, I'm not gonna tell you, not with that attitude." Damon said as I scowled.

"That's funny, coming from someone who claims they want to be my friend. Great start there buddy. Manipulation is really doing the trick." I said before leaving the room. I found myself constantly trying to get away from his infuriating presence. I was able to ignore him for the rest of the time we were at Duke until it came time to board the car and make our way back home.

Alaric chatted with Vanessa a bit longer at the entrance of the building. Making sure she wouldn't go around telling everyone about today. I on the other hand was stuck having to deal with Damon following me every step of the way to the car.

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