The Sun Also Rises pt.2

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LIFE WAS EASIER OUTSIDE of Mystic falls. Maybe it was just their fate but it sucked. Maybe the best way was to just let herself die that night. Give up and maybe the afterlife would be a bit nicer.

"Elena, Leah..." Jenna said slowly.

"I have to do something. I can't let this happen." I said, but what could really be done?

"Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish." Klaus said as he looked towards me.

"Stefan..." Elena said sadly. Why couldn't it just have been me.

"It's okay." Stefan said as he looked at us.

"Well." Klaus said as he pointed the wooden stake between Jenna and Stefan, "who is it going to be, Leah?" Klaus said. I couldn't decide. I loved Jenna and she was my family but Stefan was one of my best friends and Elena loved him. He was Damon's brother. I just couldn't decide.

"No." I said as he shrugged.

"Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice." Klaus said before speeding to Stefan and lodging the wooden stake deep into his back where Stefan wouldn't be able to reach.

"No! Stefan! No!" Elena and I both called out at the same time.

Klaus ripped the stake out at an angle causing a chunk of the wood to be left inside him. He then snapped Stefans neck and let him fall to the floor.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now..." Klaus said before looking towards Jenna.

"Whenever you're ready, Greta." Klaus said before the circle of fire was removed from around Jenna.

"NO!" I yelled as I took a few steps back.

"Your turn." Klaus said with a smirk.

"No. Jenna, no!" Elena called as I counted down in my head. I was either going to burn alive or be able to help. No in between.

"It's alright, Elena and Leah. I know what I have to do." Jenna said. I focused on my task at hand and right as I got to one I charged straight forward.

I closed my eyes as I got closer to the fire. Next thing I felt was heat and then the solid ground. I was winded but I needed to get up. I heard a scream but I was so disoriented it was hard to make out who it was coming from.

By the time I had regained all my sense back I saw Jenna sucking out Greta's blood. That didn't last long, Klaus staked Jenna in the back and ripped her off Greta. I saw what was coming next and I couldn't let that happen. I was lucky enough to have landed near a sharp rock which I was quick to pick up.

"Klaus! Stop!" I yelled. I was brought the sharp edge up to my neck and pressed it against my skin.

"Let her go." I said as he looked at me with a dangerous glimmer in his eyes.

"Or what? You'll kill yourself? Go ahead," He said as I narrowed my eyes at him. He was bluffing, if he wanted me dead he would've done it already. Why would he have brought us all here otherwise.

"Let her go or I die before your ritual is complete." I said as he looked over to Elena.

"What do you think she is here for." Klaus said in reference to Elena as I shook my head.

"You brought them here for reasons unknown to me but you won't kill them. I have vampire blood in me right now. Leave Jenna and Elena and once I die I will transition and do whatever it is you want. Just let them go." I said as he smirked.

"Alright." He said before I sighed. He looked towards Greta and nodded and before I knew it I was back in the darkness.


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