Crying Wolf pt. 2

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ALARIC, LEAH, AND DAMON arrived at the Salvatore boarding house in no time at all. Each were fed up with the day they were having. Alaric had been threatened by John, Damon was stabbed in the neck, and Leah was annoyed at John.

"Today was a bust." Damon said as I nodded tiredly. I should've just waited for Jenna, now I was stuck here until Alaric decided to leave or Damon wanted to drop me off.

"Yeah. How's the throat?" Alaric asked.

"Sore." Damon replied.

"Good." I said.

"Yeah. That Elijah's one scary dude, but with nice hair. Hey. You want another one?" Alaric asked as he motioned to the drinks. Damon handed his drink to Alaric.

"He's gonna be hard to kill." Damon said as I groaned.

"So that was your plan? Kill him? Are you- you know what, do what you want, I'm tired." I said as I stood up.

"I'll be in the next room over, Alaric let me know when you want to leave." I said before leaving the parlor. There were so many rooms in this house. It wasn't hard for me to find a room with a couch big enough for me to lay on.

I twisted and turned on the couch for a while not being able to fully get comfortable. I groaned aloud and laid on my back with my eyes still shut. Moments passed before I felt a presence near me.

"Are you ready to go now?" I asked with my eyes still shut. When I didn't get a response I opened my eyes to find some stranger looking at me. I was about to yell in surprise when I realized it was one of the werewolves. I wasn't able to scream because the man covered my mouth with a rag.

My first instinct was to hold my breath because I wasn't sure if it was chloroform or not but what else could it be. Eventually my breath gave out on me and I was forced to inhale the chemicals. A million thoughts raced through my head as my eyes slowly shut and my consciousness was robbed from me.

The next time I woke up I was back in the parlor. I shook my head a few times to rid myself of the dizziness. I gasped quietly when I noticed Alaric laying dead a few feet away from me. My eyes searched for the Gilbert ring. When I finally found it I let my nerves calm down in the slightest.

"How was the nap darling?" The same man who had chloroformed me said.

"Splendid." I replied humorlessly. It was then that I noticed Damon was strapped to a wooden chair with some weird collar around his neck. I winced at the spikes which were digging into his neck.

"Looks like he's waking up." The guy said as the attention was now on Damon.

"Morning, sunshine." The guy said as he walked away from me and in front of Damon, "I saw this movie once, some torture porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it some with some wooden nails, and when I pull..." The guy explained the device around Damon's neck.

He then pulled at the chains to demonstrate what he meant. I winced as I heard Damon groan. This definitely wasn't his day.

"So I hear you have the moonstone." Jules said as she made her appearance. I remained weary of her as she stopped next to me.

"Oh, if you only knew the irony of this moment right now. Let me tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason." Damon said, I don't think he knew I was there.

"This time, it'll be you. Or maybe her." Jules said before hauling me up off the ground.

"Get your hands off me!" I said as I struggled against her.

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