Klaus pt. 2

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USUALLY OUTDOOR STROLLS WERE meant to be relaxing. Wasn't that why so many enjoyed them? For Leah it was the opposite this time as the longer they walked the more the Gilbert twins learned about Klaus and Elijah's past.

"So as you've seen, nothing can kill an Original. Not Sun, not fire, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from one tree. A tree my family made sure burned." Elijah said as I began to lose hope at defeating Klaus. The one thing we had was gone. We just had the dagger and Elijah had that.

"That's where the white ash for the dagger comes from." Elena said.

"Yes. The witches won't allow anything truly immortal to walk the earth. Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain the balance." Elijah said, that made a lot of sense.

"So the sun can't kill an original. But that doesn't make sense. Why would Klaus be so obsessed with breaking the sun and moon curse?" I asked as Elijah's eyes lite up a little.

"Right. The curse of the sun and the moon. It's all so...biblical-sounding, don't you think?" He said with a small smile as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused as Elijah didn't respond. He explained some more.

"I don't understand. So Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?" Elena asked as Elijah nodded.

"Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings, and any other culture or continent we felt like planting in it." He said.

"But why?" I pitched in.

"Easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelgänger or to get your hands on some long, lost moonstone is to have every single member of two warring species on the lookout." He explained as I was blown away at how smart the two were.

"That's genius," I mumbled.

"Thank you." Elijah said as I smiled.

"So it's not Aztec at all?" Elena asked.

"The curse of the Sun and the Moon...is fake. It doesn't exist." Elijah said as I stopped walking for a moment.

"What?!" Elena asked as I stood shocked.

"So you're telling me I was kidnapped, almost kidnapped, and almost killed all over something that doesn't even exist?!" I asked slightly enraged. Screw all those wannabes who tried.

"Klaus and I faked the sun and moon curse dating back over a thousand years." Elijah said again.

"But if there's no curse..." Elena said.

"There's a curse. Just not that one. The real one's much worse. It's a curse placed on Klaus." Elijah said as I realized how selfish one person could be.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Klaus has been trying to break it for the last thousand years. And you two are his only hope." Elijah said as I took a deep breath.

"So what is his curse?" I asked.

"Your phones will not stop their incessant buzzing. Answer it, please." Elijah said as he handed both phones to me. I handed Elena hers and looked at mine. Damon was calling and I assumed it was just to yell at me more so I didn't respond.

"Stefan...what's wrong? No. No, no, no, no. Okay, we'll be right there." Elena rushed out over the phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she frantically looked at me.

"Klaus went after Jenna. We have to go to her." She said as I felt my breath stop. What if she was hurt.

"I'm afraid that wasn't part of today's arrangement." Elijah said as I looked at him.

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