As I Lay Dying pt. 2

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IT WAS DIFFICULT TO decide what needed to be done first. Stefan had left Elena and Leah to go to Klaus. Leah was trying to decide if they both needed to go at the same time or if she should go ahead and speak with him alone. It was also difficult to decide as she didn't know how he would be if she did see him alone. She did not want a repeat of last time she was with a dying vampire.

"I'll go alone, you should come later." Leah told Elena who easily agreed. Yes I was afraid but I didn't have much time to waste. He would get worse closer to the end.

"Just text me." Elena said before going back to Jeremy, Jenna, and Caroline.

I quickly went back to where I had parked and headed straight to the boarding house. Once I got to the boarding house I parked where I normally did and got out. I began walking to the house but stopped when I heard a noise from behind me. I turned around to find no one. Maybe I was just being paranoid. With a shrug I turned back around to continue my journey but I was stopped by sheriff Forbes who covered my mouth with her hand.

"Don't make a sound." She warned as I noticed she had other deputies with her.

I rolled my eyes at the deja vu I was about to face. At least I wasn't being man handled this time. I was also speaking too soon.

I was unable to do anything as sheriff Forbes chose to go into the boarding house to look for Damon. I was left in the company of a deputy. He looked younger and new. Made sense seeing as Damon had killed the last ones.

"You know I really think I should go in there with her." I said as he shook his head.

"I'm under orders to keep you out here." He said as I looked at his name tag.

"Okay listen deputy..." I took a moment to look at his name tag. "Deputy Junior. Seriously? That's your name? Junior?" I asked as he blushed.

"That's not my name." He said as I rose an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Then why does it say that on your name tag Junior?" I asked as he scowled.

"I filled out the application wrong." He said as I chuckled a little.

"You put Junior as your first name on accident?" I asked, its like all the deputy's in this town were stupid.

"I didn't read it properly okay. Now shut it." He said obviously annoyed.

"Okay Junior." I said as he glared at me. A few moments later I saw something flash out of the boarding house. That had to be Damon.

"What was that?" Officer Junior said cluelessly.

"That was a sign for you to let me go." I said as he looked around. When Junior didn't seem to be understanding it was time for me to go I had to take extreme measures.

"Hey!" I called out which caused Junior to turn to me. I thrusted my knee up with much force between his legs which caused him to release a gasp and fall to his knees.

"Sorry." I said before using my hand to grab his head and push his head into the side of my car. Junior fell to the ground completely knocked out.

"Please don't let this go on my record." I said while looking at the sky before running into the house.

"ALARIC!" I called out as I ran through the house.

"ALARIC!" I yelled again. I stopped when I heard my phone ring. I'm such an idiot, why didn't I think to call him.

"Alaric, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm locked in the cellar. Liz is somewhere here. Damon knocked her out I think." Alaric said as I ran to the cellar.

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