The Last Day pt. 1

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THE MORNING WAS TENSE, everyone in the boarding house had woken up at a decent time. Aside from Leah who still refused to accept waking up early, possibly on her last day.

"Get up Leah, we let you sleep in an hour extra. We need to discuss the plan with Elijah!" Elena said as she shook me.

"Seriously! This might possibly be my last day and I'm not allowed to sleep in!" I yelled enraged. I was tired of this, maybe I would get to sleep in more in the afterlife.

"Yes seriously. And you aren't dying today!" Elena said as I rolled my eyes.

"Technically I am." I mumbled into the pillow as I buried my head further into my pillow to block out the sun.

"I'm asking you one more time to get up, if you don't I'm asking Elijah. And guess what he's gonna see this mess and never want you" She said whispering the last part.

"If he can't accept me at my worst, he doesn't deserve me at my best." I said as she groaned.

"Please you've looked worse." Elena said as I lifted my head up from the pillow and looked at her through partially squinted eyes.

"That's gotta be the nicest thing you've ever said to me." I said as she rolled her eyes and trying pulling the blanket off me.

"You're so annoying, I should've absorbed you in the womb." I said before slowly rolling out of bed. She would be the death of me. Once I was ready for the day I joined the rest of the gang downstairs in the parlor.

"Evening Leah." Elijah greeted as I smiled and fixed my hair.

"Evening Elijah." I said while discreetly twirling a strand.

"Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah said as I sat up straighter.

"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." Stefan asked. I forgot to update everyone, thankfully Elena had done that for me.

"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...He'll be a true hybrid." Elijah said, Stefan nodded absorbing the information.

"Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today. With Bonnie." Damon said as he suddenly appeared next to me.

"Damon..." Stefan said as I took over.

"Not an option Damon, Bonnie would die using that must power." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll write her a great eulogy." He said as rolled my eyes and placed a hand on my forehead. I could feel an early headache approaching.

"It's not an option, Damon." Elena said quickly.

"All right, how do we break this curse?" Stefan asked.

"Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know." Elijah said as he shot me a look.

"The moonstone." Stefan said.

"A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each." Elijah filled in.

"And where exactly do I fit into all this?" I asked.

"The final part of the ritual." Elijah said.

"Great, save the best for last right?" I said trying to make a joke to ease the tension in the room. No one laughed causing me to roll my eyes. They could at least pretend to enjoy my jokes for my sake.

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