The Hybrid pt. 1

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THE NEXT DAY WAS another early start. Earlier than the previous ones. It was clear to Stefan and Leah that Klaus was excited to create his new species. It had been their first success at finding a pack all summer. What made things even weirder was now they had Ray tagging along. Unconsciously and unwillingly of course. Something Leah and Stefan also shared, not the unconscious part.

The early start wasn't the only thing that had thrown me off this morning. As soon as I had woken up and looked to grab my phone for the time I noticed a box with a note on the motel nightstand. I furrowed my eyebrows as I grabbed both the box and note before sitting up.

"Happy birthday love." It wrote, followed by "fondly Klaus." I scoffed as I tossed aside the note and opened the box.

"Woah" I said aloud as I looked at it. He had gifted me a diamond bracelet. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I was seeing this right. Why the hell would he get me such an expensive gift? I mean why would he get me anything?

These same thoughts followed me throughout the day up until now where we were currently hiking up some mountain.

"If I had known this little excursion would involve hiking, I never would have agreed." I said as I sulked more.

"You're complaining as if you're the one carrying a fully grown man." Stefan said as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have supernatural strength?" I questioned to which Stefan rolled his eyes. "My point proven." I said before looking at both Stefan and Klaus.

"And why aren't we just speeding up there? Wouldn't that save so much time? I mean use your talents people." I said as Klaus looked at me.

"Hop on then." He said before gesturing to his back.

"Huh?" I said as he smirked.

"Well you don't have supernatural speed. So hop on love, I'll give you a lift." He said as I rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah I'll pass." I said before looking away from him. He hadn't brought up the bracelet yet and neither had I. I wasn't sure what to say about it. It was currently somewhere in my bag in the car. I wasn't wearing it and I don't think I ever would. Maybe I could sell it?

"You okay Stefan? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked which surprised me. Maybe his new plan was to win us over. Me through gifts and Stefan through kindness.

"I'm fine." Stefan replied.

"You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..." Klaus said as he looked between the both of us. This had to be some kind of joke.

"You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great." Stefan said as I smirked. Loved the sass coming from him.

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend." Klaus said.

"Yeah I'm sure that's it." I mumbled as Klaus shot me a look.

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer." Stefan said as Klaus looked away from me.

"Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack." Klaus said before pausing and seeing the clearing up ahead. "There." He said as we came up to a campsite.

The three of us stopped. Stefan decided to drop Ray pretty abruptly. Unfortunately he landed right in front of me. Very close to getting blood on my sneakers with the way Stefan dropped him so carelessly.

"Easy there, these shoes weren't cheap." I said as Stefan shrugged.

"Ray! Oh, my God." Some woman said as she rushed forward to his unconscious body. "What's going on?" She asked as she looked up to me. Her features quickly turned into a glare as she picked up on the bad vibes from Klaus which surrounded us.

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