The Descent pt. 2

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LEAH HAD LOST A lot of blood, enough to where she had passed out from the loss. With no way to call she had spent the day sitting in front of the window nursing her wound and trying to figure out a plan of escape before sundown. She had tried punching the window but that left her with a fine bruise on her fist. And somewhere between that and sundown she had passed out due to blood loss.

"Oh my god Leah!"

"Leah wake up!" I heard as I felt someone shake me. I groaned as I felt my head move which changed the position of my neck and caused my shirt to fall out of its place. I groggily opened my eyes and looked at those in front of me which happened to be Elena and Damon.

"Morning." I let out tiredly.

"She really did a number on you didn't she..." Damon said as he noticed my neck. I'm guessing the response wasn't voluntary but the veins under his eyes began pulsating.

"Not the right time." I groaned out tiredly as he coughed once and looked away. Once he got over whatever was going on with him the attention was back on me.

"Let's get this sorted," Damon said as he gently looped one of his arms around my back and the other under my knees. "Go to Stefan, Elena." He said before carefully taking me upstairs.

We ended up in his room where he placed my down on his bed. He sat behind me and let me rest on his chest before he brought up his wrist and bit into it himself. He then pressed that wrist to my lips. I cringed at the metallicy flavor but nonetheless swallowed it. I wanted to live and this was my way.

Once I was all healed up I felt alive. And then I realized that I was just in my bra and jeans. My shirt was probably still bloody and in the parlor.

"So I'm gonna need a shirt." I said as I awkwardly pulled away from him.

"No can do, I'm quite enjoying this look." He said with a smirk as I tried covered myself with my arms.

"Yeah well now is really not the time for this you perv." I said as he mockingly placed a hand on his chest before getting off the bed and going to his closet.

Damon handed me a black v-neck which was definitely too big but it was either this or nothing and I'd rather be fully clothed around him. As soon as I had the shirt on I turned to look at him. He was already looking at me and I knew whatever thoughts were going through his head weren't any that I wanted to know.

"Don't look at me like that." I said as I walked out of his room with him hot on my heels.

"Like what?" Damon asked as I rolled my eyes, he knew exactly what I was talking about he just wanted to make me feel uncomfortable.

"Like you should be looking at Rose." I said which silenced him. He knew that I knew that they had sex not that it bothered me because Damon and I were the furthest thing from together. I was just glad I told him because maybe now he would realize that he's supposed to keep it to one woman.

"Do I detect jealousy?" Damon asked teasingly as we walked down the stairs.

"No, what you're hearing is annoyance after almost dying yet again. Maybe this is a sign from the universe." I said nonchalantly.

"That's no-" Damon was cut off by his phone ringing. We both looked at it as he pulled it out.

"Sheriff Forbes? That's gotta be important." I said as Damon picked up and we exited the house.

I sat in silence as Damon drove and talked to Sheriff Forbes on the phone. I was sure what was happening but I was sure it wasn't pleasant. Soon enough we arrived at our destination which was my school?

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