Masquerade pt. 1

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THE LAST TIME LEAH was admitted in the hospital was over a year ago, the same night her parents passed away. So to say hospitals weren't her favorite place to be would be an understatement. She loathed the smell, the annoying fluorescents, and worst of all was the hospital food. She could never stomach it.

"Good morning." I heard as soon as I was awake. I blinked a few times and looked around.

It wasn't until I saw Damon sitting beside my bed in a very uncomfortable chair before I remembered that I had been stabbed. As I began sitting up I felt the same pain from last night.

"Take it easy. You were out all night. They haven't had time to get any anesthetics into you." Damon said as I looked at him. "Look I'm really sorry, this is all my fault. I provoked Katherine. I wasn't thinking about the consequences and if I had known that you could've gotten hurt because of it I would've never done it." Damon said. 

"That bitch is dead." I said as I ignored his request to take it easy and sat fully up. I swallowed my own pain as I pulled the IV out of my arm.

"What are you doing?!" Damon said alarmed as he got up and pushed me to sit back down.

"I'm gonna kill her." I said as Damon scoffed.

"Not in your condition you aren't." He said as I placed my arm on his for support.

"Which is why you're going to help me. I mean you kind of owe me that much." I said as he looked at me for a second.

"Depends, what kind of help are you talking about?" He asked.

"Well it's more like two things. First one is give me some of your blood, you know to heal this." I said as Damon interrupted me.

"I can't, Jenna remembers that she stabbed you." Damon said as I rolled my eyes.

"You really worry me sometimes. There's something called compelling. And you have that ability. Now heal me and compel me out of this." I said as he nodded.

Damon quickly drew the currents in the room shut before locking the door and pulling up the sleeve of his shirt. I cringed when he used his teeth to pierce and tear his skin. The blood immediately began dripping out as Damon walked up and stood almost chest to chest with me. He then moved my hair out of the way before bringing his wrist up so it was right at my lip level.

"It going to heal up if you don't get on with it." Damon rushed as I rolled my eyes.

"My bad for not being used to this." I said as Damon pushed his wrist closer to me. I closed my eyes tightly before connecting my lips with Damon's wrist. I almost cringed away when the bitter metallic flavor entered my mouth.

I pushed myself to begin drinking because I knew this was the only way I was going to be able to heal myself. I brought my hand up to support Damon's wrist as it was still pressed against my lips. Without really thinking much about it I let my tongue wipe up the last of the blood as I pulled away. Just as my tongue went over his wrist I heard Damon let out a moan...?

As I pulled away I opened my eyes and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before looking at Damon who was looking at me intently. Like he was in some sort of trance. I cleared my throat as I moved away from him. The distance caused me to shiver seeing as he was no longer near me.

"Did you just moan?" I asked Damon who snapped out of his trance and shook his head before scoffing.

"Why would I moan." He said clearly trying to convince me otherwise.

"I don't know you tell me." I said as Damon rolled his eyes.

"Get changed, I'll go compel your doctors and Jenna." Damon said before leaving my room. He totally moaned, what a weirdo. Can't say it wasn't attractive.

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