Klaus pt. 1

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LEAH HAD NEVER BEEN the type to go behind anyones back. This was different though. This was a matter of life and death. And no one knew better than him.

As I left Damon's room I made a beeline for the basement. I thought it through in my head and what could really go wrong from doing this right? Soon enough I was down in the basement looking at Elijah's body.

Was I really about to do this? I mean Stefan, Damon, or Elena could all catch me at any moment. Was there another option though? I took a deep breath and approached Elijah's body but stopped when I heard someone coming down the stairs. I hid behind the door and waited. Moments later Elena appeared. She too stared at Elijah's body before looking around and approaching him.

"What are you doing?" I asked stepping out of my hiding place.

"Oh my god!" Elena said with a gasp as she stepped back and held her chest out of surprise. "What are you doing down here?" Elena asked as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Hmm I could ask you the same thing." I said as she looked from me to Elijah.

"I was coming to un-dagger him." Elena fessed up.

"Oh my god twins! Literally and figuratively because I was down here to do the exact same thing." I said as Elena cracked a small smile.

"So, you wanna do the honors?" Elena asked as I nodded.

"Of course." I said before stepping closer to Elijah's body and bending down so I could grab the dagger protruding from his chest. "Time to wake up handsome." I said before pulling out the dagger. It was pretty gross how resistant the knife was too coming out of him.

"Ew." I said as I looked at the dagger.

"What now?" Elena asked.

"Now we wait." I said as we both looked at Elijah's still body. "You know somehow he can pull off the dead look pretty well. I mean the desiccating look. Since he's actually dead." I said as Elena looked from Elijah back to me.

"Don't let Damon hear you say that." Elena said as I sat down on the wall adjacent to her.

"Why would that even matter." I said as Elena gave me a look.

"I see you still won't admit it." She said as I narrowed my eyes.

"Admit what? That you're delusional? I thought I did that a while ago." I said as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Look we're stuck here for a while, we might as well talk about something." Elena said as I sighed.

"Yeah so let's talk about anything else." I said, she didn't seem like she was going to budge.

"We never talk about this though. Common, I'm your twin. We're supposed to talk about stuff like this." Elena said as I rolled the dagger between my palms.

"There isn't much to say Elena, he's complicated and I don't do complicated." I said as she groaned.

"But you two clearly like each other!" She stressed as I shook my head.

"No I tolerate him, sometimes I find him attractive but beyond that it's annoyance." I said as she looked at me skeptically. Of course she didn't believe me, I hardly believed myself these days. That didn't mean I was about to admit something to her which I hadn't even admitted to myself.

"Regardless of your blatant denial, you can't honestly look me in the eye and tell me you don't like the version of yourself when you're around him." Elena said as I sighed. Sometimes being a twin was so interesting because aside from our looks we were so different.

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