The Return pt. 2

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THE NEXT DAY LEAH had woken up later than most other days. As soon as she was awake she was instructed to get dressed since she was being forced to accompany Jenna, Jeremy, and Elena to the Lockwood mansion. 

"Looks like the whole town has turned out." Jenna commented as the four walked up to the mansion. 

"Yeah. Well he is... he was the mayor." Elena said. 

"They guy was a dick." I said as Jenna nudged me. 

"Don't speak ill of the dead." She said. 

"Oh please, you know I'm right. Besides what's he gonna do, haunt me? The guy was a dick and a poor excuse for a mayor." I said as Elena hushed me. 

"Okay well let's keep those opinions to ourselves as we are entering his family's home." Elena said as I looked over at Jeremy who looked just about a pleased as I did after being forced to attend this event.

"Why don't they save it for the funeral?" Jeremy asked. 

"That's what people do. The Lockwoods were here for us when we went through this. It'll be quick; we'll drop off the food and pay our respects and go." Jenna promised as I signed. 

"It better be. Otherwise Jeremy and I will hightail out of here, with or without you." I said with a smirk as Jenna narrowed her eyes. 

"Leave without me and I'll kill both of you." Jenna warned as I stuck my tongue out at her. 

"In and out? Sounds like a plan." Jeremy said before putting his fist out for me to bump. I met my fist with his before smacking the back of his head and quickly walking head. 

"You guys go ahead, I'll be right there, okay?" She said before looking at me and motioning towards Damon who was standing outside of the mansion. "You coming?" Elena asked me. I looked over at Damon whose eyes were on me, no doubt listening in on our conversation.  

"No thanks," I said as I looked at him before looking back at Elena. "I think I'll pass, I do value my IQ and I fear it'll decrease substantially in his company." I said before looking back to where Damon stood and smirked. 

It wasn't long before Jeremy had ditched me at the mansion. I had conversed with Matt for a bit before Elena came to get me once again. Soon I found myself standing in front of Elena who was sitting on a bench cleaning Stefan's wound. 

"Can we not make a habit of this." I said as Stefan smiled slightly. 

"I'll try." He said as I looked at Elena who looked way too stressed. 

"You gonna be okay?" Elena asked. 

"Yeah, it will heal." 

 "That's not what I meant."

"I was trying to figure her out. I was playing along and let her get to me." Stefan grumbled as really began grasping how much of a psychopath this woman was. 

"I tried to track her but she's gone. Oooh, cover up, Fabio." Damon said as he appeared beside me. Stefan pulled down his shirt as I shuffled away from Damon who in turn looked at me. 

"There's no need to be scared of me." Damon said as he smirked at me. 

"Oh i'm not scared of you, just scared of the diseases I may catch from standing too close to you." I commented with a smirk. Damon seemed amused for the slightest moment before looking back at Stefan.

"We got a crazy ex on the loose." He said before looking at Elena. "You better watch out, looks like Katherine is trying to steal your guy." He taunted. 

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