Know Thy Enemy pt. 1

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LEAH MISSED HER PARENTS more than anything after the accident. When she first found out she was adopted while away at boarding school she felt like her life was a lie. After being told by Elena what the woman was actually like, she felt better off not having met her. It made her feel like she wasn't adopted, but she wondered since then, if this stranger was anything like the mother she had grown up with.

"Leah get up!" Elena called out as she barged into my room.

"Common man it's the weekend. Just let me sleep please." I pleaded as I pulled my blankets further on top of my head.

"Isobel showed up, Jenna saw her. She won't come out of the bathroom now." Elena said as I sat up slowly.

"Did you just say Isobel?" I asked confused.

"Yes Isobel the same one which Jenna thought was dead but just saw." Elena said as I felt the sleepiness wash away.

"Where's Jenna?" I asked.

"In her room, she won't come out." Elena said as I nodded. Quickly I brushed my teeth before walking to Jenna's room. I knocked on the door but when I got no response I sighed.

"Jenna, it's Leah. You know your favorite niece. Look Jenna all of this is complicated but if you just come outside we can explain everything to you." I said to her through the door. I waited for around two minutes but when it was clear that she wasn't going to come out I met Alaric and Elena downstairs.

"Hey. Is she up yet?" Alaric asked.

"She won't come out of her room." Elena said.

"What'd you tell her?" Alaric asked as he looked between us two.

"Nothing. She won't talk to me," Elena said as I nodded.

"Same here, she won't talk to me either and I don't see how any of this is my fault. I mean I never met her." I said as Elena rolled her eyes.

"We're gonna have to fix this," Alaric said. Right then we heard Jenna's door open.

"Hey." Elena said.

"Jenna." Alaric called as we watched her walk down the stairs bags in hand.

"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go." Jenna said to him without sparing a glance.

"Okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now." Alaric said.

"Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it." Jenna said.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I looked her bags.

"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house." Jenna said as she looked between us. I wanted to mention how none of this was my fault but I knew it would do nothing.

"Jenna, please just stop. Let us explain to you exactly what is going on." Alaric pleaded.

"Elena and Leah, I need you two to go to the Lockwood's today and accept the Historical Society's check for your mom's foundation." Jenna said as I nodded.

"Okay, but, Jenna, please just..." Elena as cut off by Jenna.

"I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you." Jenna said before leaving.

"Jenna just wait..." I tried as well but she didn't listen.

"Let her go." John said as he came down the stairs. "It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on but maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning, this..." He was cut off by Alaric punching him.

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