The Hybrid pt.2

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LEAH HAD NEVER BEEN squeamish around blood and she still wasn't but the sight of snapping necks, draining blood, decapitation, etc. was enough to make anyone sick. Sickly pale skin and blood dripping out of the eyes was a new disturbing sight Leah was trying to get used to but every time she saw a transitioning hybrid she felt physically ill. They just looked so gross.

"Ew!" I said while jumping away from one of the hybrids. Most, if not all, were going through their transition now and we're wondering around the campsite like zombies.

"Klaus why do they look like this..." I said as he looked beyond frustrated.

"I don't know." He said angrily while glaring at the bunch of hybrids. My expression turned to disgust as I looked at the bunch as well while moving closer to Klaus.

"You know this might not be the time but I don't really care. You need to heal Stefan." I said as Klaus shrugged.

"And what if I don't?" He asked.

"Look if Stefan goes, I go." I said as Klaus looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"If Stefan dies I'll kill myself." I said as Klaus scoffed.

"Go right ahead love, in case you forgot you have my blood in you. You'll just come back a vampire." He said as I looked at him with disgust.

"Okay so I'll kill myself twice." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'd like to see you try," Klaus said as I frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked before looking around. It was getting darker slowly. I wasn't sure what was going to happen with these zombish hybrids but I didn't want to be caught in the middle of it.

"Can I just go wait in the car, I mean you really don't need me here right now." I said but one look from Klaus was enough to tell me that I wasn't going anywhere alone. I couldn't understand why he stayed so paranoid. I hadn't made any attempt to run this entire summer. Shouldn't that have earned the trust?

But no I just had to be paired with a psychotic paranoid serial killer pedophile creepy vampire. Thankfully he couldn't read minds otherwise I would probably be dead.

"Bad news, my friend. End of the line for you." Klaus said before drinking the last bit of the mans blood. I had to look away. I definitely had some serious psychological trauma from seeing all these deaths this summer... actually since I came back to Mystic Falls... actually scratch all of that, since my parents.

"Careful, love. There's only one Alpha here." Klaus said as the dead guy's girlfriend now stood in front of Klaus.

Honestly I stood with the girlfriend in spirit of women supporting women but not literally because Klaus would kill me and she might also kill me... Why did everything have to end with my death? I was the bystander.

"Bloody hell." Klaus said as he looked around the campsite. This caused me to look around as well. All of his hybrids were walking around like zombies with blood coming out of their eyes.

"Oh hell no." I said as I moved closer to Klaus once one of the zombie hybrids walked too close to me.

"Klaus..." I said as I moved backwards making sure to keep my eye on the zombie hybrid. The zombie hybrids were now stalking towards me like I was their prey. "Klaus! Do something!" I said more frantically this time.

The most cliche thing happened next. Yes that's right I tripped while walking backwards on some stupid tree root sticking out of the ground. I let out a yelp as I fell and a scream soon followed at I saw one of the zombie hybrids run my way.

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