The End of the Affair pt. 2

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IT WAS CLEAR THERE would be no shopping or anything entertaining today. Leah was forced to follow the two vampires around Chicago for Klaus's business. Thankfully for Leah they were at a bar and she didn't need to be sober after she had eaten.

Gloria placed three beers on the bar top. Klaus and Stefan both grabbed one as I looked back at Gloria.

"Got anything stronger?" I asked as she quirked an eyebrow at me.

"What are you feeling?" She asked as I shrugged.

"That bottle of tequila would be nice." I said as she looked at Klaus. "Hey don't look at him, he's not my keeper. But do put it on his tab." I said as she cracked a smile.

"Don't drink it all." She said as she placed a couple shot glasses in front of me with the bottle.

"Wooo lets get crazy!" I said enthusiastically and poured tequila into both shot glasses.

"Where's Rebekah?" Gloria asked Klaus.

"She'll be here. I can't just conjure her on demand." Klaus said which I scoffed at. That's literally what he had done by choosing to dagger her and undagger her when he felt like it.

"So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?" Stefan asked as I passed him a shot before clinking my glass with his and taking the shot.

"Well that's certainly half of it." Klaus said as he watched me pour another shot.

"What's the other half?" Stefan asked as I ignored Klaus' stare and took another shot. Klaus reached behind the bar and grabbed another shot glass before coming over to me and using the bottle to pour himself a shot.

"The other half, Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman." He said before clinking his glass with mine.

"To friendship." He said before clinking his glass with Stefan's.

"So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, then why do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend-" I cut Stefan off.

"And my sister!" I added in before Stefan continued.

"On an altar of fire? Huh?" Stefan asked as I nodded already pouring the next shot for Stefan and I.

"All good things must come to an end." Klaus said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Klaus then recounted the last time he and Stefan had seen each other. Something about being at the bar and talking before bullets rained down on everyone. Wooden bullets to be specific.

"You compelled me to forget." Stefan concluded. Woah, didn't see that coming.

"It was time for Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate." Klaus said before downing his shot.

"But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks...unless you're running from someone." Stefan said as he looked in thought. So that's interesting.

"Story times over." Klaus said as he suddenly looked a lot more guarded.

"You're a terrible friend." I said as Klaus looked at me.

"You're biased." He said as I took my shoot before breathing out harshly.

"Oh really? I'm biased? Then remind me why you had to stronghold us into coming with you huh? Were all your other friends otherwise occupied?" I asked as Klaus frowned.

"I have plenty of friends." He said as I nodded.

"Yeah where? I don't see any. And what a great friend you are, serious you're like the king of cockblocks." Yeah I was definitely nearing tipsy now. However I did continue. "You see your friend after decades and whats the first thing you do? Harass his girlfriend and best friend and then kill his girlfriend." I said before attempting to pour another shot but Klaus was quick to stop me.

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