Bad Moon Rising pt. 1

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SLEEPING IN WAS DEFINITELY high up on Leah's list of priorities considering that it was now the weekend. What she hadn't anticipated was a certain raven haired vampire to attempt to recruit her to go on a road trip with him and the hunter.

"Wake up sleepy head." I heard someone whisper as they gently moved some hair out of my face. I shook the touch away and snuggled further into the heat which was being emitted from my bed.

"Damon what are you doing in here?" I heard Stefan ask from somewhere near me. The sound of Damon's name caused me to jerk awake. Only then did I realize he was what I had been cuddling with. Immediately I tried moving away but didn't realize I was on the edge of my bed which caused me to fall off.

"Ow." I said once I had recovered from the impact.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed!" I said as I glared at Damon who seemed very much comfortable on my bed.

"What? You don't remember? Last night you called me over to sleep with you." Damon said as I narrowed my eyes.

"I know I didn't do that." I said as he lifted his hands into a surrender type motion.

"You, Ric, and I are going on a road trip to Duke." Damon said as I furrowed my eyes and looked at Stefan.

"I don't remember agreeing to any kind of road trip much less one with you." I said as I looked back to Damon who was smirking.

"We talked about it this morning. We thought it would be a good idea to go down to Duke and looked through Isobels research on the supernatural. Her archives are still there and it's the only resource we have right now." Stefan said before looking at Damon then back to me.

"You don't have to go if you don't want" Stefan said as I nodded.

"Great, then I'll be going back to bed." I said to Stefan before looking back to Damon. "Get out." I said as I pointed to the door while looking at Damon.

"Tough sweetheart. Either you come or we don't go period." Damon said as I looked at Stefan for him.

"No one agreed to that." Stefan said as Damon sped in front of me.

"No one had to. Either she comes or no one goes." Damon said as he looked at Stefan but stood extremely close to me.

"You can't do that!" I said as I glared at him.

"Oh darling I can, get packing." He said as Elena made her presence known.

"Please Leah. This could mean more information about Katherine too." She pointed out as I huffed.

"Fine fine, but you owe me." I said as I stared at Elena. She shrugged. Oh this was gonna be one thing that I would drag out. For someone who wanted me to stay away from Damon she sure had a funny way of showing it. I hadn't even noticed that Damon had moved until I heard him.

"Let's put this in the yes pile." He said as he held up one of my panties. My eyes widened as I ran over and grabbed it from him before putting it back in my dresser. My face grew red as I realized how many people had just seen my underwear.

"Out! Now!" I said as I scowled at Damon who instead leaned closer so his lips were grazing my ear.

"I prefer black." He whispered before I moved away and glared at him and pointed at the door. Once he was out I could finally breathe. I packed whatever I needed for this road trip before changing my clothes and heading downstairs to where Jenna and Alaric were finishing up their conversation.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked as Jenna nodded.

"Yeah, just, men and their baggage." She said as I looked at Damon from the front door.

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