Plan B pt. 2

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STILL AT THE LOCKWOOD mansion Leah accompanied the Salvatore brothers further into the house. Jeremy was currently trying to coax Tyler to give him the moonstone. Leah would've given it a go but Tyler would've thought it suspicious that she knew about the stone without him having told her.

"Guys I don't have super hearing, can someone please explain what's happening?" I asked once more only to be ignored. I huffed and crossed my arms before looking around. Sometimes I wished I was a vampire just so I had the super hearing. Nothing else.

I was distracted from my thoughts when Stefan and Damon looked at each other. I gave both a questioning look and waited for one of them to explain. "Well?" I asked when none of them began explaining.

"Tyler gave the moonstone to Mason." Stefan said before Damon motioned for us to start walking. Clearly he had already thought up a plan and was taking us along for the ride.

"Hey!" Bonnie said as Damon grabbed her arm as we walked through the house. The four of us ended up outside and away from prying ears.

"Okay. This is as far as I go." Bonnie said as she stopped and we all stopped with her. Damon let go of her arm as I marveled at her ability to just get everyone to stop where she wanted. Maybe that would be an effective method I would utilize later.

"Okay." Damon said.

"What do you want?" Bonnie asked and noticed I was still with Stefan and Damon.

"A favor." Damon said as I huffed. He just loved being brief and dramatic didn't he.

"Like that's gonna happen." Bonnie said as I silently applauded her for refusing before remembering this favor could be beneficial to us all in the end.

"So predictable." Damon said as he looked at Stefan and then myself.

"That's why I brought them." He said as I smiled warmly at Bonnie.

"Stefan buddy, now's not really the time to be texting." I said as he sent whatever message he had been typing before looking at me.

"Sorry, Elena wants to be updated on the situation." Stefan said as I nodded before realizing the twin had been solo today. We had unintentionally ignored her. Well Stefan had a reason.

"I know how you feel about helping us out, but since you're the one that linked Mason with Katherine, we finally have an opportunity to get an upper hand on both of them so, just hear us out." Stefan said.

"Pretty please." Damon said as laughed at his childish antics.

"I'm listening" Bonnie said.

"I have to fill Elena in on what's going on." Stefan said as he answered his phone as it began ringing.

"Uh, is that really the best thing to do right now, considering that you two broke up." I said purposely increasing the volume of my voice as I said 'broke up'. Someone should really cast me in a tv show or something with all these Oscar worthy performances.

"Thank god your life goal isn't to become an actress." Damon said as I gasped. It's like he could read my mind...

"Well excuse me for trying! I don't see you trying anything!" I said as I glared at him.

"Can you two play nice. Please?" Stefan asked as he looked between Damon and I with his phone up to his ear.

"I don't know, depends on whether Damon can learn to be a pleasant human being and I seriously don't see that happening any time soon." I said as Stefan shot me a pleading look.

"I guess." Damon said as I rolled my eyes.

"The things I do for you Stefanator." I said as smiled and walked off to talk to Elena.

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