The Dinner Party

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NORMAL WAS SOMETHING LEAH hadn't felt in a while. Not until last night that was. She had spent the night with Matt who knew nothing of the supernatural which meant no talk about it or her situation. Only good times with one of her best friends. She wished she could go back to simpler times and grew jealous ot Matt's lack of knowledge of the supernatural. 

"You're gonna get fat with all the ice cream you're eating." Matt said as I gasped and smacked his arm. "OW! Why do you hit like a damn man?!" Matt whined as I smirked. 

"Maybe because I workout." I said as Matt snorted. 

"You and workout don't belong in the same sentence." Matt said as I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Then explain how I'm so fit and strong." I retorted as he quirked an eyebrow at me. 

"Honestly I have no idea." He said before checking the time on his phone. 

"My shift is about to start at the Grill. I gotta go soon, you want me to drop you home?" Matt asked. I was so close to saying no but I knew I couldn't hide forever. I needed to face everyone. 

"Yeah that would be nice." I said, soon enough Matt was dropping me off. I bid him a quick goodbye before looking at my house. 

What if I just hoped in my car and drove off. Tell Jenna I'm staying with Matt and just drive to Nevada. I could stay with a friend there. No one would have to know. While the idea seemed tempting I knew it was unrealistic. I let out a large sigh before walking into my house. 

"Leah, good you're back." Jenna said as I nodded, right as I was about to respond I saw Jeremy come out of his room at the sound of my name. 

"Oh you're back, great I gotta talk to you." Jeremy said as I internally panicked. I did not want to deal with this right now. 

"I would but I can't right now, I'm going with Jenna today." I said while looking at Jenna. 

"You are?" Jenna asked as I nodded and gave her a desperate look. "I mean yeah you are. Go get dressed, we're checking out some historical sights in Mystic Falls today." Jenna said as I internally groaned at the sound of that. What had I just gotten myself into. 

Never in my life had I changed so fast. I was in and out of my room quick enough to the point where the only time Jeremy could talk to me was when I was passing his room to go downstairs. 

"We'll talk when you get back." Jeremy said with an underlying promise. I didn't pay much attention to it as I tried avoiding that and him as much as possible. 

Soon enough we arrived at the historical sight. Jenna began the tour with Elijah and I. She explained a lot about the place but unlucky for her I was busy zoning her out. I think this was some sort of worldly karma, talking to Jeremy would've been a lot less painful than hearing Jenna and Elijah drone on and on about history. 

"Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." Jenna said, I was a little confused as to why she referred to him as her friend but maybe it was because she was trying to keep the setting with Elijah completely professional. 

"Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" He asked before he saw me. "Leah, I didn't know you would be here. I mean you hardly tolerate my class." Alaric said as I awkwardly laughed. 

"Oh yeah uh I just didn't want to stay home. Not much to do today so I thought I would join Jenna on this tour today." I said, lying straight through my teeth. Everyone around me knew I was lying, just each thought it was for a different reason.

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