Plan B pt. 1

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WAS TODAY FINALLY GOING to be the day Leah got to sleep in? Hell no, it was still the weekend and as couples were waking up together, Leah was woken up by an unexpected guest. 

"Rise and shine sweetheart." I heard someone say as they laid on my bed. I blinked my eyes open slowly still trying to get used to all the daylight streaming into my room at the moment. 

"Please tell me it's Chris Hemsworth that's in my bed right now." I said aloud as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. 

"Hate to disappoint, well who am I kidding, I'm way better looking than that guy." Damon said as I groaned and turned around on my bed. What would it take for me to just have one uninterrupted morning. Just one, that's all I ask. 

"Why are you here." I said as I buried my head into my pillow. Damon made it a point prop his head up using my back and fully laying down.

"You know if I didn't have super sense I wouldn't have caught that. Anyway, to answer your question. Stefan and Elena were cozying it up back home so that inspired me to come visit my girl." Damon said as I turned my head sideways to my next words wouldn't be muffled. 

"Oh yeah, who's the unlucky lady." I huffed out, to be honest I was still pretty asleep. 

"Well my dear that very lucky lady just happens to be you." Damon said as I groaned. 

"Yeah no, it's most definitely not me, now will you get off so I can get up." I said as Damon remained where he was. "You're so infuriating." I said as I turned over causing him to lift his head. I made sure to flick his forhead as I got up. 

Once I had done that I went about my morning as usual which consisted of brushing my teeth and washing my face before heading downstairs. As I was about to leave my room I noticed Damon still there, on my bed, casually looking up at the ceiling. I faked a cough to get his attention. 

"Me getting up was a cue for you to leave." I said as with an unamused expression on my face. 

"No can do, I came over to spend the morning with you." Damon said as I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Please don't, really." I said as he rolled his eyes. 

"Be a gracious host and offer me breakfast, do I have to teach you proper manners? Because I'm totally up to the task." Damon said before looking up and down. I could tell from his tone he was implying double meaning. "I could involve some punishments too if you're into that..." Damon said as I made an appalled expression before scowling at him. 

"You will never get the chance to do that." I said before walking out of my room with him following close behind. 

"So what I'm hearing is you're into it." Damon said as I groaned. 

"Could this morning get any worse." I said as I glared at Damon. I then made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Shoot! I had completely forgotten about Jenna. Right as I was about to send Damon back upstairs along with myself Jenna saw us. 

"What's going on here?" She asked as she eyed us up. Thankfully with my luck Alaric was in the kitchen as well. 

"Uh, what's going on here?" I asked as I eyed up her and Alaric. 

"Did he sleep here?" Jenna asked, I don't think there was a single moment besides now in which I despised Damon the most. 



I narrowed my eyes as I looked at Damon who had the subtlest smirk. There was no doubt in my mind that I would be murdering this man the next opportunity I got. Slowly I turned back to Jenna. 

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