By the light of the moon

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THANKFULLY TODAY HADN'T BEGUN with being woken up early. Though it did seem like it would be a busy day seeing as Bonnie had popped in early into the day. Leah was with Elena in her room discussing the moonstone with Bonnie.

"Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena said as she examined the moonstone.

"Right now, it's what is binding the Sun and the Moon Curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless." Bonnie said as I nodded, the information she was giving me seemed to good to be true. There was no way one spell would reverse all that was bound to happen. Even Elena seemed less convinced and hopeful this time around.

"What about Klaus?" I asked as Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows along with Elena. "Well Katherine was very clear about Klaus becoming vengeful if anything were to go wrong." I said as Bonnie shrugged. "Maybe. If he finds out." Bonnie said as I exchanged a look with Elena.

"Bonnie, can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. We've got to get him out." Elena said as I rose an eyebrow. Priorities seemed to be a little skewed throughout the group at the moment.

"Don't get me wrong, I love my buddy Stefan but shouldn't this be prioritized over his current situation- HEY!" I was cut off as Elena threw a pillow at me.

"Really Leah, are you kidding me!" Elena said super defensively.

"Relax! He's not dying, he's just with Katherine and last time I checked he couldn't stand her." I said as Elena glared at me.

"Stefan wants me to focus on this." Bonnie said as Elena scowled.

"See even Stefan agrees." I said with a shrug.

"Don't listen to him. He thinks that he's protecting us, but he's wrong." Elena said as I remained quiet. I wasn't trying to lose more brain cells with blows to the head.

"I'm taking Stefan's side with this one. We're not gonna let you two get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual." Bonnie said but looked directly at me. By now pretty much everyone knew I was going to be used in the sacrifice if it happened. Well everyone except Elena and Jeremy. Of course no one was happy about my decision but they knew better than to try to change my mind.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Jeremy said as he walked in and grabbed the stone from Elena's hand before placing it in Bonnie's bag.

"We're not arguing about anything." Bonnie said as I made a face at Jeremy.

"I need a coffee." Bonnie said before getting up and leaving.

"Got something to say Jeremy?" I questioned after noticing he had been staring at me for a few moments.

"Why are you on some suicide mission?" He asked us.

"We're trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt." Elena said.

"Oh so, bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get yourself killed is okay?" He asked as he looked between us. That hadn't even crossed my mind...

Jeremy sighed before leaving the room. I waited with Elena who slowly reached into Bonnie's bag and grabbed the moonstone before motioning for me to follow her. She grabbed her keys on the way as I followed. Maybe I would just trick her into letting me do this alone as soon as we got away from Bonnie and Jeremy.

"Where are you two going?" She asked as she eyed us up.

"Uh to see my buddy Stefan." I said as Elena nodded and tried acting natural. She could never lie very well.

"You're lying." Bonnie said looking between us.

"No, we're not." Elena said with a slight tumor in her voice. I sighed and mentally face palmed myself.

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