Memory Lane pt. 1

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LEAH AND ELENA BOTH occupied a table at Mystic Grill waiting for the waiter to come by with their order. Jenna had ordered the two girls to pick up a few things before the barbeque they were having. Elena wasn't too thrilled on having to attend seeing as Stefan wouldn't be coming but Leah was indifferent towards it.

"What do you want?" Elena asked as Damon pulled out the seat next to me and took a seat. I had filled her in on all that had went down during the trip to Duke and Damon's revelation when we had gotten back. It was easy to tell that she was just as displeased as I was.

"So, this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back." Damon said as he threw a look over at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the book in my hands.

"I would hardly call winning at your own game, stabbing you in the back." I said with a bored tone as I flipped to another page in my book. Elena tapped my shoulder which caused me to get up and close my book.

"And where are you two going?" He asked as I looked at him finally, like actually looked at him.

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough before. I want nothing to do with you Damon." I said as he quirked an eyebrow before nodding.

"Okay, well see you at Jenna's barbecue." Damon said as I looked back at him quickly.

"How did you know about Jenna's barbecue?" Elena asked as Damon's expression became one of pride.

"It was my idea. Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood so I figured a social gathering would be a good way to get to know the guy. So I told Ric to tell Jenna and..." Damon trailed off.

"Does Jenna know you plan on attending? She doesn't like you. Much like myself." I said as Damon made it a point to get all up in my face.

"Covering up everything you really feel for me with hate is getting kinda repetitive don't you think. But hey if it's some kind of role play I'm totally into it. Though I much prefer the naughty school girl ones." Damon said before a waitress came over and handed Damon a box which caused him to pull away from me.

"Perfect. Thank you. I'm hoping this peach cobbler will pave the way." He said before looking back at me.

"The amount of deluded you are should require therapy." I said before making a move to walk off but Damon's hand blocked my getaway path.

"Aren't you the least bit curious as to what I'm up to?" Damon questioned innocently as I glared.

"Something idiotic and possibly dangerous to those around you, thanks but no thanks. Knowing would probably put me at risk somehow." I said as Damon scoffed. I looked at Elena for help who just stood on the sidelines and observed the encounter.

"I'm gonna put some silver into Mason Lockwood and prove he is a werewolf. See you at the barbecue." Damon said, I leaned away as I felt his breath fan across my face.

"Damn it Damon I said I didn't want to know!" I said as he smirked and walked around me before turning around and leaning his head to that it was at level with my ear.

"Tough, see you later." He said as I groaned. Before I could make another comment he was gone and I was left with Elena who was possibly trying to make sense of what had just happened. Join the boat sister because so was I.

"We should get back." Elena said as I looked at where Damon just was.

"Yeah lets get back." I said before following her out to the car.

"I think we should invite Caroline." I said as I got into the passenger side of the car.

"Invite her where?" Elena asked.

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