Katerina pt. 2

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BEING DOWN IN THE tomb all day was depressing. Leah was starting to feel real depressed being down there along with being told that they were going to die by the hands of another psycho vampire. It wasn't the best day she had.

"So how much of your little story is true?" Elena asked trying to be optimistic.

"I have no reason to lie to you two. I have no reason to do anything but sit here and read and rot." Katherine said as I sighed and slouched some more.

"Okay, assuming it's even partially true, that's the reason why you came back isn't it? Because you wanted to be the one to hand us over to Klaus." Katherine said as I looked at her. I didn't doubt the accusation for even a second.

"500 years on the run, I figured maybe he'd be willing to strike a deal. And when I discovered there was two of you, well it all just came down to picking which one pissed me off the most. And I'm not sorry to say it but that was definitely you Elena." Katherine said. So if only one of us was needed she was going to hand over Elena.

"So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone." Elena said as Katherine nodded.

"Right again."

"What else do you need to break the curse?" I asked as Katherine hummed.

"Hmm, look who is getting smarter." She teased as all I could do was glare.

"It's not just us or the stone, is it? Otherwise there would be no reason to trigger Tyler Lockwood's werewolf curse." Elena said as Katherine nodded again. She truly was evil.

"Witches and their spells: so many ingredients, so many people to sacrifice." She said as I felt disgust at the moment.

"So you need a werewolf?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, they're hard to come by."

"What else?" I asked.

"A witch to do the spell. Mine bailed but Bonnie will do just fine." Katherine said as I sighed.

"What else?" Elena asked.

"A vampire." She said without missing a beat.

"Caroline..." I said as Katherine smirked.

"It could have been anyone I suppose but I like the poetry of Caroline." She said as I glared, hoping that my glare would hurt in some way even though I knew it wouldn't.

"So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed?" Elena said.

"Better you die than I." Katherine said easily.

"If you thought we could've been friends then you might want to rethink it." I said as she shrugged.

"You weren't on my kill list, thought it would earn me some points." She said as I narrowed my eyes.

"But you were ready to throw all my friends and family to theirs!" I said as she tsked and looked at Elena.

"You got what you came here for, now off you go." She said as she looked at Elena who glared.

"It's fine, go on Elena. I'll catch up with you later." I said as she looked at me with an unsure look.

Katherine watched Elena walk off as I remained behind. Once she was finally gone Katherine sat back down to talk with me. I wasn't sure why but this had definitely peaked my interest.

"How much do you know about the curse?" I asked as I took a seat on the ground.

"Enough to know what question you want to ask." She said as I bit my lips and looked at the bag. I pulled it towards me before fishing out some clothes.

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