A Brave New World pt. 2

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FINDING OUT THAT ONE of your best friends was now a vampire was definitely shocking news regardless of the fact that she was currently in the company of two other vampires. Leah couldn't quiet wrap her head around the fact that Caroline was in fact dead now.

"How did this happen?" Stefan questioned Damon.

"Well, I fed her blood and Katherine obviously killed her and A plus B equals..." Damon said. It was clear to everyone in the room that he wasn't exactly taking the situation at hand seriously.

"Why would she do that?" I asked aloud.

"Because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty, little slut." Damon explained as I quirked an eyebrow and looked at him.

"That makes two of you." I said, my annoyance getting the best of me.

"Can we cool it with the personal attack, I have feelings too you know." Damon said as he looked at me and placed his hand on his heart.

"You barely have half a brain, I doubt your other organs are whole as well." I snapped as Damon made a move to come closer to me. I couldn't tell if he was trying to appear threatening to me but I held no fear towards him.

"And just as I was beginning to think we were looking past our differences." Damon said as he took the spot next to me. I scowled at him while inching away.

"You killed my brother... I'm not going to look past that anytime soon." I said as he pouted.

"Leah, focus." Elena reminded as I scowled as Damon once more.

"Whatever." I said before looking focusing back to the task on hand.

"And she said "game on"? I mean, what does that even mean?" Stefan said.

"It means she's playing dirty. She wants us to know." Damon said.

"But why Caroline?" Elena asked as I felt irritation. Maybe Katherine hadn't attacked me directly yet but killing Caroline was a big mistake.

"I don't know." Damon said.

"Caroline must be completely out of her mind, she doesn't even know what's happening to her." Stefan said as I nodded.

"We need to find her!" I said as I made a move towards the door of the classroom one to be pulled back by Damon.

"Oh I think she does. All of my compulsion from the past started wearing off the minute she was in transition." Damon said as I frowned and shoved his hand off my arm.

"Is there anyone in this town that you haven't pissed off!" I said as I glared at him.

"That was before." Damon tried to defend himself.

"We have to find her." Stefan reminded as I nodded and looked to him.

"Yep, and kill her." Damon said. I almost got whiplash from how quickly I turned to face him.

"You're not gonna kill Caroline." Elena said as I narrowed my eyes at Damon.

"If you so much as harm a single hair on her head I'll make you wish you wouldn't have!" I grounded out as he tilted his head as he looked at me. Almost as if studying me. It pissed me off because he probably assumed I couldn't hurt him.

"She knows who we are. She's officially a liability, and we've got to get rid of her." Damon said as stood up and came closer to me so that we were almost chest to chest.

"Damon, absolutely not." Stefan said as he came up beside me.

"Need I remind you of a tragic little story of a girl named Vicki Donovan? Caroline, of all people, will not make it as a vampire. Her mother is a vampire hunter. Guys come on, we all know how this story's gonna end, just flip to the last chapter and..." Damon said to Stefan but remained exactly where he was and that was almost touching me.

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