Crying Wolf pt. 1

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THERE WAS NO TELLING what was to come that day for any of them. With a werewolf pack set out to cause them harm and John back in town everything seemed to be out of the norm.

"Go away!" Caroline called as the phone began ringing.

"Elena it's yours." I groaned but when she didn't wake up to pick up the phone I decided to kick her off the bed. It's what she deserves. Elena let out an unnatural sound as she landed on the floor.

"Hello?" She spoke rather loud, thank god we didn't share a room.

"Shut up!" I called out as Bonnie hushed her.

It was quiet until she got up and left Caroline's room with her phone. Thank god for that, otherwise I would've smacked her. It was one thing to ruin my sleep for some supernatural crap but no other reason would fly with me.

Elena ended up dragging me out of Caroline's house while I was still trying to sleep. I truly wish I would've absorbed her in the womb. And to top it all off I couldn't even go back to sleep when I got home.

"Leah?" Jenna called as she walked into my room.

"Yes Jenna?"

"Are you going with Elena to the lakehouse?" She asked, lakehouse? Who was going to the lakehouse what?

"When was that plan made? I forgot we even had a lakehouse." I said as Jenna took a seat on the end of my bed. I was still buried in my blankets.

"I'm assuming that's a no." She said with an odd look in her eyes.

"Yeah no I'm not going..." I said as her face broke into a smile.

"Great you can come with me then." She said as I groaned.

"No I don't want to go anywhere today. I just want to stay inside and relax." I said as she shook her head.

"Too bad, you don't have an excuse." She said as she stood up and walked to the exit of my room.

"Can I at least know what it's for?"

"The historical tea party." Jenna said as I let out a loud groan.

"You really hate me don't you." I said as she shrugged.

"Think of this as saving you. It's either come with me or be stuck here with John." My eyes widened immediately.

"What's the dress code?" I asked tiredly. My world was really becoming unbearable to exist in. Nevada wasn't looking so bad anymore, I thought as I pulled myself out of bed and walked to my closet.

"Dressy casual, in other words wear a dress or something." Jenna said before leaving. I pulled out a dress that seemed fitting for the event before picking up my phone to call Elena. She picked up after the third ring.

"Seriously you left to the lakehouse without telling me?"

"I'm with Stefan..." She said.

"I don't care who you're with. Jenna's making me go to the stupid historical party with her and if I don't go to that, which I have no choice in, I'll be stuck with John!" I complained.

"What do you want me to do about that?" She sounded so uninterested which annoyed me even more.

"You're the worst twin ever, you could've at least invited me." I said as she sighed.

"It's just me and Stefan. It would've been weird." She said, which was true but I had to go to a stupid snooby tea party. Who even has those anymore.

"Okay whatever, stay safe. I mean that as in try not to get killed and use protection." I said knowing fully well that Stefan would probably hear that.

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