Know Thy Enemy pt. 2

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THE SEARCH FOR MATT had gotten the girls no where. Both Caroline and Leah arrived at the Lockwood mansion defeated. Matt seemed to have just disappeared.

"Mrs. Lockwood, uh, have you seen Matt? I thought he was working a catering shift at today's luncheon." Caroline said as she interrupted her mother and Mrs. Lockwood.

"No, I haven't, honey. Sorry. But if you see him, could you ask if he's heard from Tyler?" Mrs. Lockwood said as Caroline nodded. It seemed as if all the boys in this town were vanishing.

"Yeah, of course. Um, still no word from him?" Caroline asked.

"No. The note he left said he needed time to figure some things out, but I wish I knew where he was." Mrs. Lockwood said as she frowned.

"Don't worry he'll come back, he has to." I said trying to restore some hope.

"Um excuse us." Caroline said as she motioned for me to follow. The two of us met up with Elena and Stefan.

"Hey. Any luck finding Matt?" Stefan asked. I shook my head.

"None. What if he tells somebody? What if he tells everybody?" Caroline asked slightly panicked.

"Relax, he won't. People would think he was crazy." I said trying to calm her down.

"We just gotta find him and make sure that doesn't happen," Stefan said. "Do you have any idea where he would be?" He asked Elena who shook her head.

"I wish I did, but he wasn't really one to run." Elena said as I nodded.

"Yeah I don't really remember there being any instance which made Matt want to just up and leave." I backed up Elena.

"You know, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. You know, I was supposed to tell him at the right moment in the right way, and he was supposed to be okay with it because he loves me." Caroline said as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not always that easy."

"We'll help you find him. Leah and I just have to accept this thing for Jenna." Elena said before Caroline nodded and walked off.

"Maybe he'll come around. You did." Stefan said to Elena as I looked around the room.

"How come Jeremy doesn't have to be here?" I said as Elena rolled her eyes.

"You're the oldest, it's kind of your obligation." Elena said as I shrugged.

"Mom knew I hated all these small town things." Elena nodded knowing what I said was true. While I loved taking charge, our mother knew from early on that I had no interest in all the extra things that came along with being a founding family.

"Leah, Elena, which one of you is going to be giving the speech and accepting the check?" Mrs. Lockwood asked as she approached the two of us.

"I thought we both were supposed to do this?"

"Oh there's no need, one of you should be plenty." She assured, I turned to Elena who nodded at me. Now that she knew it was just one of us who had to do it of course she would opt out. Elena wasn't the best public speaker.

"Fine, I guess I'll be doing it." I said while narrowing my eyes at Elena.

"Great, follow me." Mrs. Lockwood instructed before turning away and heading to the front of the crowd.

I waited in the background as a few speeches were given prior to my part. It was almost agonizing how long this all was. And truth be told I didn't even know what it was all about. A smile made its way onto my face as Mrs. Lockwood motioned for me to step up. She then handed me a check which I very quickly glanced over.

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