Chapter 6: The Battle

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I stepped up to the front of the bridge and right in front of us, were four Separatist cruisers blocking our path to Coruscant. Count Dooku really wants to control me if he sent four cruisers to take down one Republic cruiser.

"Have they moved since they showed up?" I asked the captain as I stepped up to him. Boil and Waxer disappeared to their battle stations so I was alone as I stepped up to him.

"They have not. The cruisers have remained in the same spot since they appeared." He replied, "Any chance for reinforcements?"

"Not for a bit." I say shaking my head, "The closest available reinforcement is Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker but they are still cleaning up the droid factory we destroyed so they need to get everybody aboard before they can come to our rescue."

"Four against one." The captain grumbled, "I don't like our chances."

"They won't shoot us down." I say, "They know I am aboard because of a spy we discovered just a little too late. Because of Count Dooku's need to have me under their control, the cruisers won't risk shooting us down. Most likely they are going to try to board or at least disable us so if we can prevent the Separatists from getting close enough to board, we may be able to hold out till reinforcements arrive." The captain nods before turning to the nearby clones.

"Prep the fighters. If those cruisers launch boarding crafts, shoot them down." The captain says. As the clones followed the orders, I decided to try to communicate with Obi Wan or Anakin if I could. I closed my eyes and allowed for my Iris powers to appear. Since the gods died when Earth was destroyed, all my powers come from inside me instead of part of me and part of the gods. It is not all bad though because it allows me to have powers that I previously didn't have like creating my own personal iris message. I tried to connect one with Anakin and Obi Wan and it ended up working. Obi Wan was standing with Master Mundi and Anakin was with Ahsoka on their respective cruisers.

"Atlantia," Obi Wan saw spotting my iris message, "You doing ok?"

"For now," I reply, "The Separatist cruisers are staying back just blocking our path but I believe they do not want to risk shooting the ship down because there is a chance I wouldn't survive." Just then I hear a clone shout that droid boarding ships have been launched from all four cruisers along with fighters.

"Launch our fighters." I order, "We cannot have those boarding ships attach to our cruiser!"

"Yes, sir." The clone shouted before turning to relay my orders. I turn back to my iris message.

"Looks like the fun has begun," Anakin said with a smile.

"Yes it has," I say with a grimace.

"Atlantia," Master Mundi says drawing my attention to him, "If the droids board, you personally cannot join the fight. The target is you and if you join the fight, you will be hurting the clones instead of helping." As much I hated to, I knew I had to listen to his warning because the droids would not be trying to capture me if Dooku had not finished replicating the Cordelia.

"I understand," I say to him. I left the iris message open so they could see what I was seeing in terms of the battle as I turn my attention to the battle. It wasn't looking good because we were so outnumbered so it wasn't surprising when some of the Separatist fighters fly over us toward our engines.

"They are going to take out our hyperdrive to ensure we can't run away." I say as the ship rocks from the fighters shooting at the hyperdrives.

"Hyperdrive is destroyed." One of the clones confirm. I groan.

"How long till you guys get here?" I say looking at the iris message. The Jedi look grim at me.

"We're still pretty far away. We are still two hours away from you." Obi Wan says looking at Anakin hoping for better news since they left before them. Anakin shakes his head.

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