Author's Note

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I cried through writing the Epilogue but I felt it was the right way to end the story. Rex deserved to go out a peaceful way and with the person he cared for by his side. Hopefully, you all don't hate me for having Rex die but I felt it would be best as he deserved a peaceful death.

Whatever, your opinion of my Epilogue, I hoped you enjoyed my story and I am thankful to every one of my readers for your support on the story. Seeing this story slowly grow with readers and votes each week kept me motivated to stay on my update schedule. Now I just have a few last messages before I let you get on with your day.

Firstly, I am thinking about creating a book 2 for this series once I figure out exactly how it would play out. If this would be something you would like to see, please let me know in the comments. Also, if you have any suggestions for book 2, feel free to let me know in the comments as well.

Secondly, if you haven't checked out any of my other stories, go check them out! I have an Avengers series involving Atlantia, Daughter of the Gods, as well as a story explaining Atlantia's backstory, Atlantia's beginning. If you are interested in the Harry Potter fandom, go check out, The Granddaughter of Voldemort series or if you are interested in the DC universe, I also created a story with Atlantia called, Daughter of the Land and Sea. Currently, I am writing The Winchester Sister, which takes place in the Supernatural fandom, and From Demigods to Werewolves which is written in the Teen Wolf universe so if you are interested in either of these, go check them out.

Finally, I want to know what you guys would be interested to see in future stories so please drop any suggestions in the comment for any fandoms, universes, or just storylines that you might want to see Atlantia or a character similar to Atlantia in. If I don't much about the fandom or universe, I will watch the series/movie(s) or read the books before writing the story. Posted below is a list of ideas or suggestions already given to me so please let me know if you would also like to see a story in that universe or fandom.

~Criminal Minds


~Jurrasic Park/World

~Hunger Games

~The Vampire Diaries

~Once Upon a Time

~Kane Chronicles

~Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

Please let me know if any of these would be stories you would like to read and drop any suggestions in the comments. Hope you enjoyed my story and I will see you in the next story! Thank you for your support!

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