Chapter 17: This is the path that is enfolding?

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I watched Anakin and Obi Wan fight for a moment before disconnecting the chains keeping the Chancellor to his chair. I didn't trust him but I couldn't just leave the Chancellor chained to the chair even if he wanted to use me.

"Thank you, Atlantia." The Chancellor says rubbing his hands on his wrists, "Would you like to join your masters in the fight now that I am free?"

"It is my job to protect you while it is my masters' jobs to capture Dooku but I will help if it is necessary." I tell him. I turn toward the battle watching my masters' for any signs they need me but they seemed to holding their own until Dooku threw Anakin slamming him into a wall and suspended Obi Wan with the Force. Obi Wan is then tossed across the room down to the second floor where the Chancellor and I were before Dooku used the Force to break the platform above Obi Wan and have it crashed down on top of him.

"Do you think now is the time to help your masters?" The Chancellor says just as Anakin kicks the Count over the balcony onto our floor. I don't respond but I do take out my lightsaber and run toward the two. Dooku blocks Anakin's attack and sends him backward before blocking mine. His eyes stare into mine as we each push against the other hoping the saber would go toward the other instead of toward themselves. Dooku must have sensed that my right shoulder was still injured even though I had gotten rid of the sling before the battle because he used the force to bring one of the long metal pieces that had broken off when Dooku sent part of the platform crashing down on Obi Wan right into my shoulder. I gasped in pan and with my focus broken for a split second, Dooku pushed me backwards so I slammed into the wall pushing the metal piece further through my shoulder. I grimace in pain as Anakin takes my position fighting against Dooku. Bracing myself against the wall, I pull out the metal rod from my shoulder grunting in pain before ripping the bottom of my shirt to make a makeshift bandage around the shoulder wound. Taking the lightsaber in my other hand, I approached the dueling pair but before I could do anything to help, Anakin slashed his lightsaber so it cut off both of Dooku's wrists sending Dooku's lightsaber flying. Anakin catches it as Dooku falls to his knees. He places the two lightsabers in a crossed position with Dooku's head in the middle. I stop in my track surprised this was the path that was playing out.

"Good Anakin. Good." The Chancellor chuckled happily before his face becomes more serious. "Kill him." Dooku turns to the Chancellor the shock written all over his face, "Kill him now."

"Anakin, it's not the Jedi way to kill unnecessarily." I say stepping toward him.

Anakin glances at me before saying, "She's right. I shouldn't."

Then the Chancellor says in that evil tone I heard in my vision, "Do it."

"Anakin, don't do it..."but I was too late. Anakin slashes his two lightsabers through Dooku's neck and his head rolls right to my feet. I could tell Anakin was feeling guilty for killing Dooku but it didn't change the fact he did it."

"You did well, Anakin." The Chancellor says standing up from the chair. "He was too dangerous to be kept alive."

"Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner." Anakin said regretting killing Dooku but I knew what it was like to want to kill those who have hurt so many. Hades, I spent most of my early childhood killing so many and some were pretty much unarmed. "I shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way."

"It is only natural." The Chancellor comforted but I could see the hidden agenda behind his eyes as he talked. "He cut off your arm and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time Anakin." At this moment, I decided to help Obi Wan by moving the platform off of him and picking him up. I grunted under his weight since he was quite bigger than me and my injured shoulder was not happy with the extra pressure on it. I could still hear the Chancellor talking to Anakin, "Remember what you told me about your mother and the Sand People?" The Chancellor notices me carrying Obi Wan.

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