Chapter 14: Things don't get any clearer

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Obi Wan and Anakin brought me back to the temple where Master Yoda and Master Windu was waiting for me. The scene reminded me of the multiple times I had come back from battle and was immediately taken to the mediation room so we could take a look at the future. They guided me toward the meditation room and again began to talk me through finding the right path but this time, they wanted to focus on me and my future but they wanted the Force to guide me to the right path so I just relaxed and allowed for the path to appear in front of me.

When one finally did, I was shocked about what I saw. In front of me was a different path then I originally saw where I stood over Dooku. In fact, that path was not found anywhere anymore. In it's place, was a path where I was laying on the floor of the Chancellor's office. I couldn't tell what was preventing me from moving but it was either exhaustion from an overuse or from Cordelia. The vision wouldn't reveal that to me. I stared at the scene in front of me. Three Jedi, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin laid on the ground dead. with Kit Fisto laying near me like he was trying to help me. The other two Jedi were laying near the entrance of the office but the sound of lightsabers hitting each other drew my attention to the fight near the destroyed window in the office. Master Windu and the Chancellor were fighting but the Chancellor held a red lightsaber in his hand. They fight for a while until Master Windu was able to disarm the Chancellor of his weapon and the Chancellor collapses to the ground with his back against the window's edge. Anakin then walks in just in time to see this happen.

"You are under arrest, My Lord." Master Windu says 'My Lord' with a sarcastic tone hidden beneath it.

"Anakin! I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over." The Chancellor said noticing Anakin.

"The oppression of the Sith will never return. . . you have lost . . ." Master Windu spat.

"No! No! No! You will die!" Palpatine raises his hands, and lightning bolts shoot out but luckily the lightning bolts are blocked by Mace's lightsaber. Palpatine is pushed back against the window sill.

"He is a traitor, Anakin." Chancellor Palpatine shouts.

"He's the traitor." Master Windu says before groaning from the pain that came from him holding back the lightning. "Aarrrrggghhhhh . . ."

"I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose." Chancellor Palpatine says cryptically.

"Don't listen to him, Anakin." Master Windu said

"Don't let him kill me. I can't hold on any longer. Ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . . ahhhhhhh . . ." Palpitine and Master Windu continue to argue hoping to convince Anakin of helping them but once Palpitine mentioned me and said that Master Windu drugged me with Cordelia preventing me from helping him, Anakin cut off Master Windu's hand allowing Palpatine to kill Master Windu with the lightning bults. Anakin had moments before closed the vial but of course I can't just fight until the Cordelia clears. I was able to run after Master Windu's death so I did.

This is when I jerk back into the present and fall off my cushion that I had been kneeling on. I was panting from how bad the vision was and the energy it takes to go into the future.

"Atlantia what did you see?" Master Windu asked me. When I made eye contact with him, I immediately saw his death again.

"I saw Chancellor Palpatine kill Master Windu and Anakin helped. Chancellor Palpatine is Lord Sidious." I quickly say and was about to continue with what I saw, when Master Plo Koon holds out his hand.

"Atlantia, you are speaking in the Siren language. We can't understand you." He tells me. I look at him confused but try again. However, I still end up speaking in the siren language unable to explain what I saw.

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