Chapter 33: I join the Dark side.

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Pov change: Rex

I ran with the rest of the rebels as we hurried toward our ship. For once, I was glad I had my helmet on because I didn't want the others to see the tears I was shedding for my friend that was giving up her freedom and in her mind her life for us.

"Rex, what did Atlantia mean when you know how to kill her?" Zeb asks we ran. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I'll tell you when we get back to base because I don't think I can explain this twice." I say since I could tell though I tried to hide it, the emotion I held for my friend was evident in my voice. Zeb must have noticed it because he didn't push me any further. Luckily, Atlantia's sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing because we were able to make it to our ship before the stormtroopers or Thrawn got to us but if Atlantia was the main target, he would just let us escape. As I fly the ship back to base, the mood is depressing. The other rebels picked up on my emotions and began to realize the implied message Atlantia was giving me but they didn't want to voice their thoughts because they didn't want it confirmed. However, it had to be confirmed eventually.

When we arrived back at base, Mon Mothma along with Kanan and Ezra, who had returned from Mandalore, came to greet us. Their faces showed us their confusion when they didn't see Atlantia with us.

"Where's Atlantia?" Ezra says worried but Mon Mothma noticed my face after I took off my helmet so she said to follow her to a more private location. We all followed her to the briefing room where I instantly collapsed in one of the chairs there feeling the sadness overwhelm me.

"Rex, what happened?" Kanan asked. I looked up from my hands to see Kanan kneeling in front of me. I sighed before explaining.

"It was a trap. Thrawn wanted Atlantia to come rescue Thunder Squadron." I begin, "He was ready for us. He allowed for her to shadow travel us into the base before setting a trap that prevented her from shadow traveling out. It shocked her forcing her to return to the base. Thrawn then brought out a weapon that prevented her from using her powers but I didn't get to see what happened that allowed for her to escape because she began to fight Thrawn, she had cut a hole in the vent to allow for us to escape. She later joined us in battle in the middle of the hanger bay where we became cornered. Seeing no way out, Atlantia pushed a shield dividing us from the stormtroopers but Atlantia was on the side of the stormtroopers. She knew we wouldn't be able to escape if she came with us so she stayed behind to give us time to escape."

"Why didn't you go back for her?" Ezra asks.

"Because she didn't want me to." I say turning my attention to the young Jedi, "She knew she was going to be given cordelia and she told me when we meet again to kill her but I don't know if I can do that."

"Why would she ask you to kill her? Isn't there a cure?" Kanan asks surprised. He probably remembered Atlantia being healed when she was originally given cordelia.

"There was but with the Jedi mostly gone, it would be impossible to replicate." I explain, "The Jedi had used a process based on the original cleansing process the sirens used but it needs many force users and we don't have a Jedi Council any more so no cure. That is why she told me to kill her when I get the chance but I don't think I can. I will if it ends her suffering but only as a last resort." The rebels are stunned at my statement.

"So, we are going to be fighting against, Atlantia now?" Ezra says breaking the silence.

"Yeah, kid. We're on opposite sides now but just know that deep in Atlantia's heart, every injury she is causing you, she is hurting. She is still in there just buried under an evilness." I say before adding because I will not stop till this happens, "She'll be rescued from that evilness. I won't rest till I do."

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