Chapter 40: Some interesting information is revealed

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It took like eight shadow travel jumps to make it to the city hovering in the clouds. So to say I was exhausted was an understatement, but I had to find Luke before Darth Vader captures him to bring him to Emperor Palpatine. It seemed Palpatine wanted every force user to be on his side so that the Rebellion wouldn't have any defense against him.

Anyway, I crept down the immaculate hallway searching for Luke. Eventually, I locked onto his soul and found myself running into the reactor shaft, where I see Luke and Vader fighting on one of the gantries. Luke was gripping his wrist as he tried to crawl to the edge of the gantry, and I realized the Vader had actually cut off his hand.

"Luke, you do not yet realize your importance." Vader said, drawing my attention that he was trying to convince Luke to join him, "You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy."

"I'll never join you." Luke grits out angrily.

"If you only knew the power of the dark side." Darth Vader said before deciding to change tactics, "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father."

"He told me enough." Luke spats. "He told me you killed him."

"No, I am your father." Darth Vader corrects.

"No." Luke said, not believing it, "No, that's not true. That's impossible!"

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true." Darth Vader says. Luke lets out a wail of despair as he knows it to be true. I grimace in pity for him because I've felt that feeling when you realize someone in your family is evil.

"Luke," Vader said, drawing his attention back to him, "You can destroy the emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son." I decide to make my presence known before Vader could persuade Luke, but I knew in my heart he would never be.

"Vader, that won't happen. Luke is not as weak as you." I say, walking forward. "He will never give in to the Dark side as you have."

"Atlantia, I've seen you've returned to your good ways." Darth Vader says, staring at me, "My master will be disappointed to hear that."

"Your master is always disappointed in me." I say, "I'm used to it." Then I hear Vader's lightsaber click on, so I turn my own just in time to meet Vader's lightsaber a few inches from my face.

"Your lightsabers are white." Vader said, his voice full of surprise, "The last person I met who had white lightsabers was Ahsoka."

"You saw Ahsoka?" I say as we continue to fight.

"She and I fought before I watched her die," Vader says. My eyes flash with anger before I strike him harder.

"You are lying. I would have felt her death." I say, pushing him backward so I would be in front of Luke instead of him.

"Perhaps, but I watched the temple collapse with her inside. She is dead, and if you don't join me, then you will be as well." Vader said. In anger, I push Vader backward with my powers sending him falling to the ground before I turn toward Luke and gently pull him up.

"Trust me." is all I say before I run with him and jump off the gantry with my arm around him so we would stay together. I controlled our fall so we would land in one of the exhaust pipes. We slide through the exhaust pipe before stopping at one point. I was just about to pull Luke to keep going when the pipe opens up beneath us, and we fall down another pipe. Tumbling down the pipe, another vent opens, and we drop out of the station, but luckily I caught the weather vine that was right there and pulled Luke and me onto it. It wasn't really stable, but it was fine for now.

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