Chapter 16: Do we have to rescue him?

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"Atlantia, are you alright?" Obi Wan asked. His hands were on my shoulder supporting me.

"I'm fine." I say shaking his hand off my shoulder. I knew I couldn't tell Obi Wan about the vision. If I did, he probably would probably lock me in the cruiser till they rescued the Chancellor though I doubted the Chancellor actually needed saving. He probably orchestrated this plan or at least suggested it to Dooku so he wasn't in any danger but we still had to rescue him because I don't know what he wants with Anakin, at least not really. Why him? Why Anakin out of all the Jedi in the order? I know he has different views on the Order but I don't think that would be the only reason the Chancellor would be trying to make Anakin his apprentice.

"Atlantia," Obi Wan said drawing me out of my thoughts. "You sure? Because you can stay behind if you are not well."

"I'm fine." I repeat before turning and leaving the bridge. I walk toward the hanger bay where my personal ship was waiting for me. Anakin's, and Obi Wan's were sitting right next to mine. We were getting word that we would be joining an air fight once we arrived at Coruscant and the council wanted Anakin, Obi Wan and I to infiltrate the cruiser that the Chancellor was on and rescue him. I climbed into my ship just as I notice other clones doing the same with their own ships.

"Atlantia," Anakin shouted running past my ship. "we'll meet you out there. Head out with the first squadron of clones. I nod before piloting my ship out of the ship with the squadron right behind me.

"Alright, boys." I say into the comms, "let's go show these droids what we are made of and get the Chancellor back."

"Copy that, Commander." The squadron leader said grinning into his comms. When we appear ed outside the cruiser, it was a mess out there. There had to be a dozen cruisers out there with thousands of fighter droids that were flying straight at us. Blasters were coming form every direction. I took down as many as I could as I waited for Anakin and Obi Wan to join the battle. I was being chased by a squadron of fighters droids when I saw them explode behind me.

"It seems we joined you at the right time, Atlantia." Obi Wan said pulling up next to me. Anakin pulled up on the other side.

"It seems so, Master." I say smiling thankfully at him.

"Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead." Anakin interrupted. I looked at my map and locked onto the ship so I wouldn't lose it if I got distracted in battle. "The one crawling with vulture droids."

"Oh I see it. Oh this is going to be easy." Obi Wan said sarcastic. He then switched off our frequency to talk to the clone squadron that they led into battle. Anakin and I ignored him as we prepared to try to board Grievous's ships. Those fighter droids Anakin was eluding to were coming toward us aware that we were the group that was going to try to board the ship.

"This is where the fun begins." Anakin said happily.

"Let them pass between us." Obi Wan ordered. We flew through the squadron of droids shooting down as many as we could. Our group didn't go unscathed through the cloud of droids, however. We lost two ships very quickly and after the three of us made it through but we knew we couldn't go back if we wanted to rescue the Chancellor. However, Anakin almost went back when we heard one of the clones asking for assistance before dying.

"I'm gonna go help them out." Anakin informed us.

"No!" Obi Wan ordered. "No, they are doing their job so we can do ours." I couldn't argue with that though I also wished to help the clones but alas I needed to get onto General Grievous's ship. Then out of the blue we see six blue missiles coming straight for the three of us.

"Missiles!" Anakin warns, "Pull up." I turn my wheel and the missiles fly past me and I could tell from the non-destroyed ships that Anakin and Obi Wan also succeeded.

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