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3 years later

The last three years have been sort of relaxing or at least more relaxing than it has been since I joined the war. Following Palpatine's death, the rebellion had to deal with the remaining Imperial leaders who were still resisting us. Many believed the Empire was still stronger even without Palpatine and Darth Vaders. Others just enjoyed being in power and knew if they submitted to our victory then they would lose their place in power. I basically had to continue to fight for the next two and a half years. When we were finally able to at least elect someone as the new Chancellor.

Many tried to convince me to become the new Chancellor as I was the one everyone trusted but it was something I couldn't do. I lost my childhood and a lot of who I could have been because of war. I needed to remind myself of being human and not having to fight for my life and others every day for the last few decades. The only ones who truly understood why I didn't want to be a leader were Ahsoka and Rex. Ahsoka appeared to me after the battle at Endor and had told me that she was going to search for Ezra but didn't want me to come because she knew I was needed to help bring the Galaxy out of the Empire's control and into the New Republic. I protested since I trusted Rex, Luke, Leia, Han, and the rest of the Rebellion to be able to handle it but Ahsoka told me,

"While that may be the truth, the Galaxy needs a familiar face. Atlantia, you are one of the few that have been fighting since the Clone Wars began. They need you." She hesitates before also adding, "Rex also needs you. Clones have shorted lifespans. I want him to be one of the few clones to die from old age instead of from a blaster."

That comment was what kept me from following Ahsoka to search for my friend but I still handed Ahsoka a bag of coins that she could use to contact me through Iris messaging. I would be able to shadow travel to her if she needed me. I didn't hear from her at all during the past years and I wasn't sure how I should be reading that. It was good news that she didn't need my help but does that mean she is not having any luck finding Ezra? Whatever the case was, there were times that I wanted to join Ahsoka but Rex kept me from joining her. He had promised Ahsoka to make sure I stayed away because she and I both knew that it was better for me to stay fighting with the Rebellion but my suicide self would want to go after her and either be killed or get someone else killed.

By the time, we were able to create a Senate and have Mon Mothma appointed the new Chancellor, I could tell Rex was nearing his end. It saddened me but I spent his last moments with him in a little house far on a forest planet far in the Outer Rim. I let Luke, Leia, Han, and Mon Mothma know where I was but asked them to leave me alone unless I was needed. I also sent a message to Ahsoka through my connection to her to let her know where I was if she needed me but other these those five, no one knew where Rex and I were spending his last days.

Rex and I were family and we spent those days enjoying a quiet civilian life with our only worries of taking care of the crops and making sure one of us found some sort of animal for dinner. As we approached 3 years from the battle at Endor, I could tell Rex was getting weaker. I had to use my powers to help him walk but even then he still was his old self of being that teasing older brother. Soon then we both wanted, he became bedridden and I had to take care of him. When his last day finally arrived, I made sure to have it imprinted in my memories so I would never forget our last conversation.

"It's funny because I've known you for over twenty-five years but you don't look like you are a day over eighteen." Rex said giving me a weak smile. I was holding his hand taking any pain he had like I had been doing for the last few months. "While I look like the old man I am."

"I wish I could age like you Rex." I say giving him a sad smile, "Then I wouldn't have to outlive those I love."

"Ahh, but you're still needed, Atlantia. You and I both know this peace that the Galaxy has come to won't last forever." Rex said, "We got to spend the last six months hiding away from the darkness that we know is coming but it's time for you to rejoin the fight. It's time for you to show the Galaxy that you are ready to protect those in need of protection."

"I don't want to do it without you," I say tears filling in my eyes as I feel his lifeforce fading, "You have been by my side for years. You are my brother. I need you."

"And I always will be with you, kid." Rex said, "Through the Force. Now, turn on your vision power. I want you to see you looking into my eyes one last time." I blink back the tears before doing as he asked. My eyes glow blue as I stare at the man who fought by my side for years and did everything he could to try to protect me. Rex stared at me with his warm brown eyes that gave me comfort over the years before I lost my eyes and even after. Right now they held a love only someone who has been by your side through the happy moments, through the pain both emotional and physical, and through the horrors only soldiers know of.

"There is the powerful Jedi Demigod I know." Rex teased softly as he reaches his other hand to wrap it around my face. "I will always be with you if you stay connected with the Force. I love you, Atlantia. May the Force be with you, always."

"I love you too, Rex. May the Force be with you." I say the tears flooding my vision as I watch Rex close his eyes for the last time.

I wrapped Rex in a personal shroud I had made myself just like my demigod family had been burned in. The shroud represented Rex in stitching from the thread being made in the exact blue that was on his armor to the battles stitched on the shroud that was supposed to honor Rex. It represented the hero he was to me and the Galaxy. I still made a grave outside the home we shared but it was mainly just a place where I could go so I could get through his death.

It is was there when I finally decided to honor Rex's wish and go back out to being the protector of the galaxy. Rex was right. The peace that has come over the Galaxy would not last forever and I would be foolish to think otherwise. I don't know what would be coming into the Future but I know with Luke continuing to learn the Jedi way and with the spirit of those in the New Republic, we will be able to handle all that is thrown our way.

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