Chapter 29: I'm done hiding.

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I grab the belt off the wall as Erskin looks at Hera concerningly.

"What do you mean she is going outside?" He asks confused.

"That's exactly what I mean. She knows what she is doing so just get to your battle station and let her do her job." Hera said before patting my shoulder and running toward the bridge. I click the belt snuggly across my waist before grabbing the oxygen mask and preparing to jump out.

"I'm just waiting on you Ezra." I say smirking at him. He grins before he detaches from the Ghost leaving the bay doors wide open. I make sure the belt is secure and the oxygen mask is working before I open my wings and jump out into space. It seems like I'm doing this more often than I used to since the Rebellion is apparently always fighting in space or at least on the missions I have been assigned. Well, the two missions or three if you count the one when I was the mission.

"We need to detach from the transport or we're all going down." I hear Zeb over comms as I begin to deflect some of the blasters coming from the tie fighters. I land on the roof of the Ghost as I try my best to deflect the blasters from the ships. Hearing Hera had jettisoned the fuel pods, which I knew were still slightly full of fuel, I used the Force to bring them up to me before pushing them toward a Tie fighter with a fire ball right behind it. The stormtrooper didn't see it coming so he hit one straight on. The other pod missed its target but because the fire ball was right behind it, it didn't matter and destroyed the tie fighter on its own.

"Atlantia, the hatch is jammed. Chopper and I have to detach it manually. Keep the Ghost flying." Hera shouts at me over comms. I kneel down and put my hand on the machine connecting myself to the machinery. Before long, all I had to do was think and the ship would do as I asked but because we were linked to the transport, I couldn't do much.

"Atlantia, get back inside!" Hera yells at me a few minutes later, "Everyone from the transport is on the Ghost but we're still trying to detach from the transport.

"I'll detach us from the transport." I say pushing myself through the space toward the bridge connecting the Ghost to the transport. Closing my eyes, I find the lock holding the bridge to the Ghost before breaking it.

"Atlantia get inside!" Hera shouts at me, "We are going to jump into hyperspace!" Quickly I find the button on my belt which pulled me quickly back into the Ghost.

"I'm inside." I tell her feeling around for the button to close the bay hanger doors. I find it closing the door before I stand and hang the belt and mask in their place. Seconds later, I could tell the Ghost had jumped into hyperspace with the rest of Gold squadron falling suit. Walking into the main area of the Ghost, I sensed a presence that I did not recognize.

"Senator Mon Mothma, this is my crew." Hera introduced, "Zeb Orrelios, Atlantia Brooks..."

"Atlantia?" She says surprised turning toward me. "So the rumors are true. Palpatine is searching for you but I didn't know he found you." I could tell she was horrified at the scarring covering my eyes.

"It's good to hear your voice, Mothma." I say giving her a smile, "It's been a while."

"Yes it has." She said the smile evident in her voice.

"...and Ezra Bridger, the last member of my crew, is out there in one of your bombers." Hera continued.

"I know of young Mr. Bridger, and I thank you, Captain Orrelios." Mothma said turning to the rest of the crew. I knew she wanted to say something to me but held her tongue so she could properly thank the crew.

"We saw your speech on the HoloNet. You really let the Emperor have it." Ezra said over the comms.

"I only wish words had more of an impact." Mothma sighed.

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