Chapter 26: I meet a long-lost friend.

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After leaving Saw and his rebel team, I found another planet to hide on and it was very densely populated which may or may not be a good thing. I figured it would be good to attempt something different since in the past I have only tried less populated planets in hopes they wouldn't find me there but it hasn't really worked. In a heavily populated planet, I could possibly blend in with the crowd.

It actually worked since I was able to live in the city for a year without being discovered. I blended in with the crowd by changing my appearance and trying to appear older but eventually this plan would fail.

I was meditating in my small apartment that I rented under the books when I felt an odd presence in the Force. It felt cold and unfamiliar but I knew exactly what it represented. I sigh as I use the Force to pull my lightsaber from the table to the mat that I was kneeling on. A few moments later, a lightsaber could be heard cutting through my door. I stood as I listen to the lightsaber finish cutting through the door before I hear it being thrown at me. I took a step to the side to dodge the door and when I turned toward the door, I could sense two people standing there. They radiated the dark side and I knew they must have been apprentices to either Darth Vader or Dark Sidious.

"Hello Atlantia." A woman says and I could practically hear the smirk in her voice, "Darth Vader sends his regards."

"He didn't want to come to say it in person after he gave me his gift? Huh, I'm hurt. I wanted to give him his own gift." I say bringing my lightsaber to my right hand and turning it on.

"Darth Vader had other matters to deal with." The man spoke, "but he trusted that we would be able to deal with you quite easily."

"Oh did he?" I scoffed, "Well, we'll see about that." With that I heard the two of them move toward me, I dodged the man's swing before I slashed my lightsaber at the woman. I hit her lightsaber before jumping over her as the other man swung his lightsaber at me from behind. I walk backwards keeping the two enemies in my view.

"So," I begin as I wait for them to make the next move, "Are you trying to capture me or kill me?"

"Darth Vader wishes for you to be alive but that doesn't mean you have to be unharmed." The woman said the smile evident in her voice. After that, their attacks were more brutal. Each one aiming to hurt me in a way that most likely wouldn't kill me but it would definitely disable me. Well, disable me even more since my eyes were already gone so I was technically already disabled.

Eventually, the battle was pushed into the hallway of my apartment building. Our lightsabers slash through the walls of the hallway because it was so narrow making me feel guilty since the landlord of the building was nice enough to allow me to pay off the records for the apartment and I was now destroying it. But I guess you got to do what you got to do when you are in danger. I heard screams from behind me from one of my neighbors who was coming home before her footsteps disappear back down the hallway.

Hearing my neighbor made me realize that I needed this battle over. The kids from the nearby school was going to be coming home very soon and I didn't need these two using that against me. I sigh before calling on my powers and knocking the man into the wall with an earthquake before securing him with vines. His lightsaber rolled away from him. Quickly, I pulled the woman towards me with the Force before stabbing my lightsaber into her stomach. She gasped with a mixture of shock and pain written on her face before I withdraw my lightsaber and she dropped to the ground. I kicked her lightsaber away from her before releasing the man and preparing to fight him.

"You will pay for that." He growls at me when he drops to the ground. I don't respond but instead just put up my lightsaber before charging him and going on the offense. I knew based on his breathing, I could tell he was surprised of how well I was doing on the offense and anticipating where he was because he was barely able to keep up with my attacks. However, he couldn't hold out forever and eventually I made a move pushing his lightsaber to the side before stabbing my lightsaber forward into his chest. He dropped to the floor just like his comrade and I knew I had just won the battle.

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