Chapter 13: More suspicious information arises.

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Tensions were high in the Republic Army or at least in the 501st. Everyone who knew Fives knew that he wouldn't just go crazy like that. Rex seemed very quiet about the incident but eventually the event slowly begins to fade from the top of the topic list of the clones during their off duty time but it was still a topic that would never be forgotten and still would be brought up occasionally.

Anyway, I was still not allowed to leave Coruscant because the Jedi Council felt I could be better protected if I didn't leave the planet. I was still forced to attend the senate meetings had decided to stay with Padme because of our friendship that came about because of Anakin. She felt for my pain to be out in the war though she didn't like that someone my age was in the battle. I was still only about fourteen though I will be turning fifteen quite soon but Ahsoka was about my age when she joined the Order so I wasn't too much younger than some who had fought in the war.

One day, I just had returned to the temple after enjoying lunch with Padma. She wanted to talk to me about her relationship with Anakin since she would rant to me about anything she was feeling since no matter how good a relationship is, there are always some pet-peeves that either person may have so Padma likes to talk to me to help get out her emotions so she and Anakin can have some nice moments together when they do get the time together. Well, when I had returned to the temple, I get a message that the Chancellor would like to see me. That puzzled me because he has never really met me. He has talked to me like once when I had went with Anakin and Obi Wan to give him a report.

I couldn't deny the request to see me so I made my way to the Chancellor's office as quick as I could. When I arrived, I waited till I was invited in to step inside the Chancellor's office.

"Chancellor." I greet when I see him standing by the window, "You wish to see me?"

"Atlantia," He greets, "Yes...It has come to my attention that you have been staying in Coruscant because Cordelia has made it's way into the black market." I was little confused because I know the council kept it under wraps that Barriss had been the one to dose the ration supply with Cordelia but I did not know that was kept from the Senate and the Chancellor.

"Yes, there has been evidence that leads the council to believing this to be true which means I need to be around those who can subdue me if necessary." I respond looking curiously at the Chancellor.

"Can the clones not be trained to subdue you so you can rejoin the battle?" The Chancellor asks.

I was startled by this comment, "Perhaps but it is not my choice or decision to have the clones trained. That is a decision I must leave for the members of the council."

"So you will remain on Coruscant till the end of the war?" He asks looking at me. Before I could respond, my communicator beeps.

"I'm afraid I must take this." I say seeing it was Obi Wan. I have learned that Obi Wan never calls with good news.

"Yes, of course. Go right ahead." The Chancellor says beckoning for me to take the call. I nod my head in thanks and step away from him to give myself some privacy before taking the call.

"Obi Wan," I greet, "What is wrong?"

"Anakin and I are in search of information about the death of Master Sifo-Dyas. We are in search of a personal attaché to the previous Chancellor because we believe he has information on Master Sigo-Dyas and his death." Obi Wan explains.

"Why do you need me?" I ask.

"We have found a lead that takes us to Oba Diah, which is the Pyke's homeworld." Obi Wan begins.

"How does that involve me?" I ask.

"We are in need of your powers. Your powers may help us find out the truth." Obi Wan says, "The Pykes are criminals and I don't want to be misled."

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