Chapter 10: The Cleansing

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Point of View: Anakin

Atlantia has been sedated for the last three weeks as we try to figure out how to help her. Ahsoka has been distraught because Atlantia was such a close friend and it hurt her to see her in this state. I felt the same way but I had to continue leading battles as those who were able to stay at the Jedi Temple watch Atlantia and continue to try to find a solution.

However one day, I finally got a break so I went to visit Atlantia. Ahsoka wanted to come with me so together we walked through the hallways in the temple to Atlantia's room. Once we arrived, I stepped in and saw Atlantia in the same position as I left her three weeks ago. The only difference was that there were multiple medical machines monitoring her to ensure she stayed sedated and got her necessary nutrients. As Ahsoka began to talk to Atlantia, I wandered through her room looking at her stuff wondering if she had a journal or some research information about cordelia.

I was near a small shelf area where she put some of her personal items when I noticed a small worn book. I grabbed it and noticed it was a journal but the whole book was filled with information. I scanned through the book but stopped on one section of the book when I noticed an entry about cordelia.

...So, today I learned a very interesting thing about Cordelia. I spoke with Chiron today and he told me that a while back there was a siren who also was a demigod. Apparently, she ingested Cordelia and almost destroyed camp. Chiron told me that the sirens performed a cleansing and she returned to her normal self...

"Ahsoka," I say looking up from the entry. She turns to me with tears in her eyes. "Did Atlantia ever talk about a cleansing?"

"What?" Ahsoka asked a little surprised, "Umm, a little she said it was an old process that cleansed the body when sirens returned to the ocean after spending time on land. She said that for young sirens they can only stay either on land or ocean because their lungs cannot deal with the change in germs, chemicals, and other material in the air or water depending on where they live. Why do you ask?" I hand her the journal.

"She wrote in this journal that she said that a siren who was given Cordelia had a cleansing performed on her and she returned to her normal self." I say summarizing the passage as she read the entry. Her eyes widen in hope before she realizes what I was thinking.

"But we don't know how to perform the cleansing." Ahsoka said looking at me in sadness. I turn to the shelf and noticed another book on the shelf. It looked newer because it seemed to not been touched that much. I pulled it off the shelf and noticed it was a history of sirens and one page was bookmarked.

"Ahsoka, before Atlantia was dosed she was researching the cleansing." I say handing her the book. "I think we found our cure. She even wrote some notes that may help us."

"We need to talk to the council right away." Ahoska said looking excited. I nod and grab the book back before walking out of the room toward the council's meeting room. Luckily, they were in the middle of a meeting so I was able to talk to the whole council on the cleansing. They were pretty surprised that we found something because it had been weeks since anything new had been tried.

"This may work." Obi Wan said thoughtfully, "It has been proven before but the only difference is we have never performed the cleansing before."

"Try we must. Depend on it, Atlantia does." Master Yoda said looking at the council.

"Then it is settled." Master Windu says, "The council will review what the cleansing entails and tomorrow we shall begin the process." I bow to the council before leaving thankful that they had agreed to the cleansing.

The following morning I joined the council outside in a training area because the cleansing apparently needed space. The council was spread out in a circle with Atlantia on a stretcher in the center of the circle. Master Yoda nodded at Master Windu to begin the process. He began to chant in another language and I assume it is the ancient siren language. The other Jedi masters join in at different parts or begin another section as other's continue to speak. Then simultaneously each master raised their hand toward Atlantia. They called on the Force to help them as I watched as Atlantia's body suddenly arches off the stretcher.

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