Chapter 24: I will never stop fighting

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Pushing myself to the back of my home, I took the lightsaber into my hand and turned it on. Taking deep breaths to calm myself, I steadied myself with the Force and my other senses trying to hear and sense where the stormtroopers were above me but especially where Vader was since he is obviously the most dangerous. I wasn't waiting long when my door was busted open. Blasters were fired immediately when the door was busted but I was ready. I deflected the blaster shots immediately back at the stormtroopers but it was hard because there were so many sounds and I couldn't pinpoint that many of them. I was just learning how to be able to pinpoint sounds so it was not surprising that I couldn't isolate one sound enough to be able to paint a picture.

Thus, to get some cover, I used my powers to throw my kitchen table in front of me before dropping behind it. I could hear the blaster shots hitting the table and judging by the sound, every second, more stormtroopers were filing into the room but I couldn't gauge how many. I could just tell that more were coming. Knowing I needed to calm myself and center myself with the Force if I wanted to survive, I took a breath and allowed a sense of calmness to come over me before I put my hand out in front of me. I do a crushing movement with my hand and I hear the metal in the blasters compress into small metals balls. I smile as I use the wind to push them into the air before using them to slam into the stormtroopers' heads knocking most of them out though some were able to dodge the balls. Standing up from behind the table, I stare down the remaining stormtroopers trying to pinpoint where they were but then before I could, I hear a familiar mechanical breathing.

"Vader." I say steady my lightsaber in my hand, "I was hoping I would not have to hear your voice anytime soon or your annoying breathing."

"Atlantia, I see you have learned to fight without your eyesight sooner than I expected." Darth Vader smirked, "I guess you don't actually need your eyes if you can fight with your vision power."

"Except, I haven't used my vision power in the battle." I say, "I'm learning to fight without it."

"Well, let's see how much you have learned." Darth Vader says. A few seconds later, I hear the familiar buzz of a lightsaber turning on. I took a breath but before I could attack I heard a blaster being shot so I had to deflect the stun back at whoever shot it but judging by the sound, the reflected blaster missed the stormtrooper. However, more and more blaster shots were fired at me and I had to reflect them back but then I heard Darth Vader move toward me. So I had to meet his lightsaber swing with my own which I barely was able to do since I couldn't see his swing and I was just picturing an image with sound. Sighing, I knew the only way I was getting out of this with my freedom is if I used my Future power since I was not trained enough to be able to see with my ears.

I quickly turn it on and for the first time since this battle, I had a clear view of who was in the battle. There were ten stormtroopers left who have formed a semi-circle blocking the exit out of my home. Vader was of course right in front of me with his lightsaber pressing against mine.

"Give up this pathetic attempt of fighting against me." Vader growled at me as we continue to fight, "You will end up by our side eventually but the amount of pain and suffering you go through is up to you. Give up now, and prevent yourself from any suffering."

"You know me Darth Vader." I spat saying his name with contempt, "I will never stop fighting till my last breath. I will never turn to the Dark side. Everyone I have ever fought have never accepted that but I will never stop fighting to ensure that good always win." I knew this would be a fight I would not win at the moment since I am untrained in the ability to fight without my eyes so I send a shockwave through the ground as I send Vader backwards with the Force. He slams against a group of stormtroopers who collapsed to the ground with Vader on top of them. Quickly, I move toward one of the stormtroopers grabbing his hand and drawing energy from him. Not enough to kill him, but just enough to give me strength to disappear from this planet. Sensing a commercial ship leaving Jakku, I close my eyes and allow for the shadows to take me onto the ship with Vader's frustrated shouts as the last thing I hear.

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