Chapter 23: Four years later

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It's been over four years since I stole that ship and disappeared through the galaxy to escape Emperor Palpatine and the clones or I guess now stormtroopers since the clones were all given mandatory retirement last year. I have lost track of how many planets I have lived on during the last four years. I first crashed on an icy planet since I knew the clones wouldn't think to look for me on a planet that cold at least for a little bit. My body could stand the cold very easily so I thought it would be a great place for me to heal which I end up doing since I lived there for close to a year. I had let my body heal as I lived in a cave in the middle of the icy planet far away from my crash site so it would take a while for the clones to try to find me when they did eventually begin to search this planet. I was able to stay there for a year till I had to do a shadow jump when I saw the clones in the distance approaching the mountain I was hiding in. Honestly, I could have risked it staying in the cave hoping they wouldn't search that cave but if they did search the cave, they would see that I had just been there so it was much more easier for them to find me. Thus, I had to shadow jump before they found me so I can stay ahead of them.

Though I kept doing these jumps, I did get captured a few times over the last four years but it was not for long since I escaped before the cruiser got back to Coruscant so Palpatine hasn't seen me since I was laying on the stretcher in his office and I haven't seen Anakin since I ran out the office after he killed Master Windu but that changed one day when I was living on Jakku since it was a pretty vacant planet so I thought I could stay hidden for a while. I had been staying here for a year when Anakin showed up.

I had been buying food from one of the local stands when the sand began to be blown about so I glanced up to see a cruiser hovering above in the sky as a transport comes flying toward the ground. I sighed before walking toward the empty field where the transport was landing just outside the small market area. Shielding my eyes from the sand flying toward me as the ship landed, I watched as the transport landed before the door opened to reveal its passenger and standing in the center was someone who I was not expecting. Anakin stepped out of the transport in his black metal suit that I knew was keeping him alive since I had heard about the injuries Obi Wan had given to him. I expected him to attack me but the stormtroopers were the ones who initiated the attack. They fired their blasters at me but I was quick to take out my lightsaber to block the blaster shots coming at me. I reflected the shots back at the stormtroopers hitting some in the chests and I knew that killed them. Since the Empire switched to stormtroopers, they stopped using stuns even though they still wanted to capture me but they just didn't care if they hurt me anymore. I wanted to talk to Anakin so I summoned a staff before slamming it into the ground and pushing an earthquake toward the clones and Anakin. The stormtroopers were all knocked to the ground leaving Anakin and I the only ones standing. I stared down Anakin as I walked closer to him.

"Hello, Anakin." I spat at him, "Or should I call you Darth Vader?"

"You've grown stronger." Is all he says.

"It's been four years, Anakin. I would be surprised if I haven't gotten stronger but I can't say the same for you. The Anakin I know would never let his men fight for him. He always wanted to get in on the fun." I said glaring at him as I held my lightsaber steady by my side. Vaguely, I was aware of the stormtroopers recovering and forming a circle around Anakin and I.

"You want to have fun? Then let's have some fun." Darth Vader said before his red lightsaber appeared by his side. He raises his hand and tries to pull me toward him with the Force but he doesn't know that I spent the last four years, when I wasn't in a fight or captured, connecting with the Force and grew more powerful with it. Without moving my hand, I push against him with the Force before we are both pushed backwards. Jerking my head upward toward Anakin, I could see him running toward me so I met him in the middle. We began to dance a familiar routine drawing memories from our training sessions during the small amount of down time that we had. It made me long for that time as we fought but I knew we couldn't go back. That was four years ago and everyone we knew was practically dead.

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