Chapter 2: An old enemy destroys the Earth

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I got out of the military vehicle and examined the sight in front of me. I saw another smaller ship that looked to only fit one person in it flying down and landing in the park where we were waiting. There were also several of the other landing crafts that were seen in Europe landing in the area as well. It looks like we were the next invasion spot.

I made my way through the soldiers to the front line knowing with my powers I should be the one in front to try to protect the others. I watched as the ship's door lowers with a puff of smoke concealing its contents. Out of the smoke, I hear the clank of metal before this metal monster comes out of the ship. He had these long metal legs with claws for feet but the scariest part of him was his face. The lower part of his face was thinner then his forehead. His eyes were piercing yellow that looked like something out of a nightmare. His arms were crossed behind his back with his cloak flying behind him.

"Greetings," He calls out in a raspy voice, "Who would like to be the first one to die?" He laughs a raspy mechanical laugh that would probably haunt me after this.

"You should surrender now." I call out masking my fear, "Or you will be destroyed." I summon my double-edged spear ready to take him down if necessary.

"By whom, my child?" He rasped, "You? You are a child. You are no match for me." He laughs as his arms unravel from behind him but to my surprise instead of the two arms I had been expecting, there were four. In each hand, there was this glowing sword each either green or blue. He begins to spin the swords so fast that the swords blurred as he charges me. The soldiers surrounding me fired their weapons but the bullets are burned as he deflected them. He jumped over me and landed in the midst of the soldiers as he still spun the glowing swords. The nearby soldiers are cut to pieces as the swords connect with their body. It was horrific.

I charge at the monster with my spear in my hand. I swing it and wack him in the chest combined with my powers. He grunts as I leave a giant dent in his body. The monster swings his glowing swords at me and I try to block the swing with my spear but it was cut in half so to avoid the same end as the soldiers around me, I called on the water vapors and teleported to a spot a few feet from him.

"Interesting," The monster said raspy. He sounded excited which I didn't think was good. I took a breath before traveling through the water vapors to appear right next to the metal monster. I shatter one of his arms with my earthquake powers and as the glowing sword drops, I grab it and appear a few feet away from him ready to fight. The monster had screamed in pain as he last one of his arms. He turned to me angry and with a look that just told me I signed my death warrant by doing that.

"Let's see if you can use that lightsaber, youngling." The monster rasped, "against a trained warrior with years of experience." He put away his broken arm and one of his good arms leaving just two lightsabers as he called them in his remaining hands. I steadied this unfamiliar weapon in my hand as the mechanical monster charged me. Using me reflexes, I block each of his attacks with he lightsabers. At one point, I end up fighting to keep his lightsabers from slashing my head clean off when he tried to slam his lightsabers vertically at me. I blocked it with my lightsaber turned horizontally. I had to rely on my muscle strength to ensure I could keep the lightsabers from touching my body and ending my life. Finding the strength by calling on the wind, I push the monster off of me before launching my own attacks at him. Combing my powers and my training with a sword, the attacks makes the monster work to stay alive.

After a while, it begins to look like I may win but then a smell penetrates the air. It was unfamiliar at first but then I realized what it was. Cordelia. I thought I destroyed it all but someone must have accidentally found some. It was the only thing that could immediately incapacitated me because of my siren genes. My eyes drifted toward where the smell was coming from and I saw an old familiar face staring me down. Kelli. That old empousa must have escaped Tartarus before I killed him because all the monsters who were living in Tartarus died with him. She smiled and pointed at the open vial when she saw that I was being effected

I stumble and begin to cough violently as the cordelia took over my body. My vision blurred while my limbs began to feel like jello. I tried to keep fighting but I couldn't. The monster noticed something was off and had stopped his attacks as I collapsed to the ground. I feel his claws wrap around my neck and pull me away from the ground.

"What is making you act like this child?" The monster wondered aloud. I instinctively turned to where Kelli was standing and the monster saw my head movement. He begins to move toward her and once he reaches her, he sees the vial of cordelia. "Is this causing this child to act like this?"

"Yep," Kelli said proudly, "Cordelia. It's one of her only weaknesses. My name is Kelli." I could see through my blurred eyes that she was holding out her hand.

The monster stares at her for a second before turning on his lightsaber. The end immediately goes through Kelli's chest. She gasps and stares at him in shock. The monster turned off his lightsaber and Kelli collapsed to the ground. He grabbed the vial of Cordelia before it fell to the ground.

"General Grievous." He said grinning, "And you child will be joining the Separatist Army as a vital member once this planet and its occupants are destroyed."

"No!" I shout weakly. I try again to break from his hold but the Cordelia was preventing me from doing anything damage that was greater than a child could do. General Grievous puts the vial under my nose and the Cordelia pulls me into a deep slumber as I know the planet and the people living on it are being killed.

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