Chapter 20: This isn't good

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Senator Organa takes Master Yoda and I to a hidden station in an asteroid field located at the Outer Rim. It was so remote that Lord Sidious wouldn't think to look here for a while.

"Great struggles, we've faced." Master Yoda said to me as I stared out one of the many windows. I turn to him as he approaches me, "But many more you will face. Immortal you are. A gift but also a curse."

"I saw Anakin kill Master Windu." I said to Master Yoda, "I saw his death weeks ago. It was the vision I couldn't tell the council but I could have stopped it. I could have stopped this whole nightmare."

"Hmmm," Master Yoda said, "Perhaps but more likely it is, that a darker future takes its place." I nod knowing it was true but not wanting to accept it.

"Excuse me, Master Yoda." Senator Organa said walking up to us, "Obi Wan Kenobi has made contact." My eyes widen that but I could feel someone close to me wavering close to death's door.

"Padma's injured, isn't she." I say looking at Senator Organa. He grimaces.

"Unfortunately yes." Senator Organa says. He gestures for me to follow him to the docking area which I do. When we arrive, we see Obi Wan's ship had landed and Obi Wan was exiting with Padma in his arms. I tried to walk toward them to see if I could heal her but I felt something jerk me backwards. I look around but nothing was there. I try again but I was pulled backwards again and this time Obi Wan notices.

"Atlantia, you alright?" He calls to me.

"I can't get over to you." I say, "Something keeps pulling me back." Then I realized what was happening, "I can't help save Padma."

"What do you mean?" Senator Organa said rushing over to me as another man guides Obi Wan to the medical center.

"Whatever happens to Padma, must happen." I say with tears in my eyes as I realize what would happen.

"You mean she will die." Senator Organa says horrified. I nod as I slide down the wall heartbroken that I couldn't do any more to help. Senator Organa says he will send for someone to bring me to the medical center once I was able to before he heads off to the medical center as well. I stay leaning against the wall for a while till I see one of the men coming for me. I stand and follow him to the medical center and just as I enter I see Padma's head turn and her soul leave her body. It just causes me to break down even further but then I spot the two babies being held by Obi Wan and the Nurse droid. I rush toward the two children taking the one from the nurse droid and holding her in my arms. They were my last connection to a dear friend. Eventually, Master Yoda calls Master Obi Wan, Senator Organa, and I for a little meeting. Senator Organa brings us to the meeting room where no one was.

"Hidden, safe the children must be kept." Master Yoda said.

"We must take them somewhere where the Sith will not sense their presence." Master Obi Wan said softly still reeling from Padma's death.

"Hmm...Split up they should be." Master Yoda says.

"My wife and I will take the girl." Senator Organa says quickly, "We've always talked of adopting a baby girl. She will be loved with us." We all nod agreeing with the decision.

"And what of the boy," Obi Wan says.

"To Tatooine. To his family send him." Master Yoda orders.

"I will take the child and watch over him. Perhaps Atlantia should join me?" Obi Wan said turning to me. I had been silent since the meeting started.

"No, masters. I shouldn't." I say sadly, "Lord Sidious will be searching for me and I would just bring danger to the children. I must leave soon before he begins the search party."

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