Chapter 8: I gain another ally

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I appear on top of a building a little bit away from Maul. Coughing, I catch my breath before standing up and watching as Satine and Obi Wan are dragged away. I sigh feeling guilty for not being able to stop Maul and Savage but I knew getting captured would not have done anything. As I watched them disappear from view, I feel a blaster being placed by my ear. I raise my hands slowly before turning around. I see members of Death Watch standing there but I could sense they did not side with Maul and Savage.

"I do not want to hurt you." I say diplomatically, "I am only here to provide support for Obi Wan and help him free Satine."

"We have the same end goal it seems." The woman behind the helmet says putting her blaster away and taking off her helmet. She holds out her hand, "I'm Bo-Katan."

"Atlantia." I say taking her hand but as I shake her hand I felt a death in my gut. I gasp as I clutched it. It hurt when the death was of a love one or a friend's love one since it was closer to me making it more personal.

"You alright?" Bo-Katan asks grabbing my shoulder.

"Someone just died." I say frantic, "I think Satine just died." Silence follows that.

"My sister is dead?" Bo-Katan said gritting her teeth.

"Satine is your sister?" I ask surprised before adding, "I'm sorry. I can feel deaths and unfortunately I think I felt your sister's." Bo-Katan nods and I could see how upset she was but she schooled her features and continued on.

"You're not just a Jedi are you? No Jedi I have ever heard of could feel a non-Force death or just an individual death." Bo-Katan said giving me a small smirk.

"No, I am not. From my home world, I was gifted powers from my parents and after being kidnapped by the Separatists, the Jedi thought it would be good to train me in their way to protect me from the Separatists." I explain. Then out of the corner of my eyes, I saw two members of Maul's Death Watch walk out of the building that Maul had dragged Satine and Obi Wan into. Between the two Death Watch was Obi Wan looking broken emotionally. I sigh before turning to Bo-Katan.

"Would you be willing to help me rescue Master Kenobi?" I ask looking her straight into the eyes.

"I will because the only way to stop Maul is to bring the Republic army and the Jedi here." Bo-Katan said sliding on her helmet. "We Mandalorians alone cannot stop a powerful Force wielder like him." I nod thankfully.
Bo-Katan then grabs a jetpack from one of the other Mandalorians. "Have you used one of these before?" I shake my head.

"No, but I don't need to. Save that one for Master Kenobi." I tell her. She looks at me interested before nodding.

"Alright, but don't hold us up." She says. I could hear the grin behind her helmet as she launches off. The others quickly follow. I smile before pushing myself into the air with the help of my powers before opening my wings. They are sort of not discreet but I discovered I could use a version of a Mist to hide them. I didn't bother hiding them from the Death Watch so Bo-Katan was pretty surprised when I joined her in front.

"Not what I was expecting." She said looking at the wings, "But not that stealthy."

"You can see the wings, but others cannot." I say, "It's another ability of mine."

"If you have so many abilities, how come you have not stopped the Separatists? You do have so many powers that could allow you to." Bo-Katan asked as we headed toward the prison.

"There is this herb or drug that can turn me against my allies if I ingest it or at least incapacitate me if I breath it in." I explain, "The Separatists have the drug and it has led to a lot of people dying to try to protect me and keep me from getting in the hands of Dooku. If that happens," I shake my head sadly, "it wouldn't be good for anybody."

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