Chapter 4: One year later

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I stood with my full attention on the jedi masters and the clone commanders as they talked about the plan to try to destroy a droid factory that was about to send a huge order of newly improved droids to the Separatist Army. It has been a year since Obi Wan and Anakin had rescued me from General Grievous and I have grown a lot since then. I was trained with the lightsaber, and taught how to balance the Force with my powers. I became quite deadly but there was nothing that any of the Jedi masters I trained with including Master Yoda could do to help me fight the effects of cordelia so their solution was to make sure everyone knew of its effects and how to stop me if I was turned against my own people.

"Reports from the clones sent to scout out the factory reports that the factory is guarded by a wall surrounding it from all four sides." Commander Cody said pulling up the schematics, "There are guns on the wall itself with droids covering the top of wall. Entering the factory won't be easy."

"If Atlantia can protect a squad of clones, Captain Rex, Ahsoka, and myself with a shield," Anakin began, "Then we may be able to take down the south wall here." He points to it and I notice it is the least fortified side.

"I would only be able to handle a small squad of clones if I am also taking Rex, Ahsoka, and you."  I say, "I don't have the power to hold a big shield for long."

"Then it is settled." Obi Wan said, "Rex go choose five of your best men before meeting us in the hanger. Master Mundi and I will be standing by waiting for your signal that the wall is down." I nod before following Anakin and Ahsoka out of the room leaving the other two jedi to speak to the council.

"Master,  I trust in Atlantia and her abilities," Ahsoka began as we walked. Ahsoka and I grew close during my training because I typically would join them in battles to improve my abilities to use my powers and the lightsaber at the same time. She tried to look out for me because she knew my fault of almost killing myself to save others so I knew she wanted me to be sure that I could do this so I don't die or worse. "but are you sure you can keep the shield up, Atlantia? You have said that is the most draining power."

"I think I should be fine." I say, "I may not be in the best shape after this but I will be able to keep the shield up." Anakin just nodded before stepping inside the hanger. A few moments later the clones Rex chose show up with the captain himself.

"We're ready, sir." Rex said to Anakin when they got close.

"Let's go kick some droid's butts." Anakin said with a grin before stepping onto the ship. I followed him on board and I could feel some of the clones staring at me. I have served with two of them, Waxer and Boiler, but the other three I had not. I knew there were multiple rumors floating around the Republic Army about me so it shouldn't be too surprising.

The ship takes off and begins the descent down into the planet where the cruiser we were on was parked above. I closed my eyes as I held onto the handle centering myself with the Force like Master Yoda had taught me to help me balance the energy my powers need to be used.

"Atlantia," Someone shouts at me. I open my eyes to see Anakin staring at me, "You ready?"

"I'm ready. Take us down." I say.

"Roger that. Taking us to the ground. Have fun out there." The pilot says before taking us to the ground. We were a little bit away from the wall to allow us the ease of hopefully surprising the wall so I didn't exert so much energy. We stepped off the ship and once we were gone, the transport ship headed back to the cruiser to prepare for the next part of the invasion.

"Alright, let's go take down the wall." I say. Everyone but me shoulders a bag of explosives before we trudged through the cavern to the opening where the factory was. When the wall came into view, we hid behind a big chunk of rock and snuck glances at the wall.

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