Chapter 22: I can't trust no one

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"Leave us." Palpatine said in his gravelly tone to the clones. The clones automatically leave but Ink gives me a comforting touch to my shoulder before he leaves. I glare at him as he walks out of the office leaving me with Palpatine and I was chained to a stretcher so this wasn't going to be good.

"It's been awhile Atlantia." Palpatine said walking over to me once the clones were out of the office. "You probably didn't think we would see each other again did you?"

"I had hope not." I said glaring at him, "because if I did, I would have to see your ugly face again but here we are! So, I guess I don't always get what I want."

Palpatine just grins at me, "Now, my plan is finally falling into place. Lord Vader is on his way and once he arrives, we can place you under the influence of Cordelia and you will reveal to me the location of Master Yoda and Master Kenobi so I can finally rid the galaxy of the Jedi and I can finally rule to galaxy in peace."

"If you think, I am going to willingly let you give me Cordelia, then you thought wrong." I said even though I knew that in my condition I wasn't going to be able to do much.

"What can you do, Atlantia?" Palpatine asked amused laying his hand softly on my broken leg, "Your body is broken. Half of your limbs are in casts, you have broken ribs, and I'm guessing since you are still here, you don't have access to your powers." I take a look inward and realize that he was wrong. My powers were coming back since they gave me such a low dose of cordelia so my body was burning through it. I smile.

"Actually, I was just waiting for the perfect moment to use them." I say grinning at him before pushing him backwards with the wind. He flies over his desk flipping over it with a surprised grunt as he lands behind the desk. I shatter the chains with earthquakes and pulled myself up with the wind supporting my movements. It hurt so much to move but I forced myself to. I make my way to the window and place my hand on it, shattering the fragile glass leaving an empty hole in its place. I glanced backwards and noticed that the clones had brought my lightsaber and had placed it on the desk so I use the force to pull it toward me before jumping out the window. Seeing no other options, I open my wings which hurt my ribs because they had to break through the medical bandages around my waist and chest to get out.

As I flew through the center of the city, I began to hear ships fly behind me. I glance behind me and instantly saw the clones on speeders behind me.

"Atlantia, stop!" Ink shouted at me from the lead speeder. "We don't want to hurt you but we will if you don't surrender." I turn my body so I would fly backwards so Ink could see my face and the emotions I was feeling.

"It's too late for you to try to convince me to come back with you Ink!" I shout at him as I try to build up enough energy to shadow travel, "It's always been too late. Once the clones shot the first shot at the Jedi, we were destined to be on opposite sides, so I'm sorry Ink." With that I lifted my right arm and did crushing movement with my fist and the speeders were all instantly crushed. The crushed speeders all instantly fell toward the ground taking their riders with them but their riders didn't just fall quietly. Ink and the other clones fired their blasters at me but I did some quick maneuvers and easily dodged them. With the clones off my tail, I turned around and pushed myself through the air flying around the buildings before ducking behind one of the bigger buildings and using the shadows to pull me to another planet.

I had closed my wings when I shadowed travel which was a bad idea because I ended up shadowing traveling way above the ground so I ended up free-falling immediately after I stepped out of the shadows. Luckily, I was able to time my falls so I jumped, well fell, onto different ships before I landed on the ground. I was very weak but I still tried to move as fast as I could. I summoned another cloak to hide my face and my injuries before walking in search of a place to hide. Clones were everywhere in this city but I could sense that there were none further out so perhaps further out is where I must go if I want to heal. However before I could do that, I heard a voice call out to me as I passed a doorway.

"Hey, Jedi." The voice whispered/yelled. I stopped in my tracks and glanced in the direction of the voice but did not recognize who it was.

"The Jedi are dead." I say, "Call me a Jedi, and you will get me killed."

"Sorry, is it better I call you Atlantia?" The voice replied. My head jerks sharply to the voice before my survival instincts kicked in. Quickly looking around to see if anyone was watching me before I turned on my heel and stalked toward the doorway where the voice was. I pushed him into the room and slammed him against the wall holding him there with my good arm as the door shut behind us.

"How do you know my name?" I ask sharply my cloak's hood falling down to reveal my bruised, young, dirty face.

"I lived on Coruscant with my family for years before we moved here." The man choked out, "We watched the Jedi train everyday with my son by my side. We were able to learn most of the Jedi's names by just listening to them interact with each other." It was then I noticed standing in another doorway was a mother with her arm around a boy who looked to be about ten. I released the man who continued with his story, "We got to watch you train as you learned to use the Force and what the Force was. That is how I knew your name."

"How did you know I was out there?" I ask leaning against the wall to relieve pressure off my knee. "I was barely passing by when I heard you call out."

"Dad saw you on his cameras." The boy said who was instantly shushed by his mother but his dad just chuckled.

"My son is correct. I have cameras situated around this city. I have never trusted the Chancellor so I definitely don't trust him as Emperor."

I nod sharing his same feelings, "You are right to not trust him. He is the Sith lord known as Lord Sidious so yeah, he is not a guy to trust. It is why the Jedi have all been killed because we found that out so he had to eliminate us by twisting the truth so it was us who betrayed the Republic instead of him."

"But I heard he wants you alive?" The man questioned, "At least that is what the news is saying."

"Palpatine wants me alive because of my powers. Also there is a way to control me by giving me a special drug so there's that." I explain before something dawned on me. "Wait you have cameras? The Republic or the Empire would never allow those to be put up without their authorization."

"I guess your right." The man said standing up revealing a blaster from underneath the jacket he was wearing. The women and child both also revealed blasters which made me realize that Palpatine is really trying to make sure if I escape, I can't have any place to hide.

"You worked for the Empire, don't you?" I say, "That is why you have access to cameras." The man laughs.

"Nah, I don't work for the Empire and I do own the cameras just secretly." The man said cryptically.

"So why? What do you get out of this?" I say my hand inching toward the lightsaber hanging on my belt.

"The reward money." The women replied with a grin. "Emperor Palpatine is offering a large reward to capture you unharmed and this family needs that money." With that, the blaster fire stuns at me and I whip out my lightsabers and expertly reflect the stuns back at their respective owners. The family falls to the ground with their weapons falling next to them but I realized the danger too late because a moment later the door was broken down and stuns from clones were fired at me before I could defend myself. I fell unconscious but not before I felt arms catch me before I fell to the ground.

When I awoke, I was back in a cruiser's jail cell but this time I wasn't chained and I wasn't going to wait for someone to come and get me. I took a breath and shadow traveled out of the cell into one of the empty hallways of the cruiser. After looking around the hallway, I quickly made my way through the familiar hallways toward the hanger bay careful to avoid any clones walking through the hall. I knew the alarm would be sounded soon so I had to move quickly. Thus, I decided to shadow travel the rest of the way to the hanger bay. I was exhausted when I came out of the shadows but it was worth it because I was able to get into one of the ships quickly before flying out of the cruiser. I was about to jump into lightspeed as I flew further away from the ship when I realized my lightsaber was still on the ship. Now, a smart person would have left it but I wasn't smart so I put my ship on autopilot before jumping through the shadows one more time into the ship exactly where the lightsaber was after sensing where it was. There were a few clones guarding it and they were surprised to see me so I was able to easily subdue them by slamming two of the clones together with my wind power before grabbing one of their blasters and firing it at the other clones. Once the clones fell to the ground, I grabbed my lightsaber, shadow traveled back to my ship, and jumped into lightspeed with a destination far from Coruscant.

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