Chapter 3: A new chapter in my life begins

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I didn't know how much time had passed but when I awoke, I was bounded by these thick metal arms in an angled chair. It was dark with the only light from the dim lights on the wall but that barely allowed for me to spot a droid similar to those that I saw in the first wave that invaded Earth. Earth. I guess everyone I knew was dead if General Grievous made good on his threat and although I just met him, I think he will make good on his threat. I try to call on my powers but I found that although I could feel the warmth, it was weak. He is still drugging me. Why did Kelli choose that time to enact her revenge on me for killing Tartarus and ending her reign as an immortal monster that can die but will always be reborn?

I don't know how long I was stuck in that chair but then the door swung open and in walk General Grievous but any damage I did was repaired. He had a new arm and any of the bruises or other dents I made were repaired.

"Comfortable?" He rasped grinning.

"Very, but I would be more comfortable if you remove the cordelia from this room." I say hinting at that.

He laughs at that, "Nice try, child but you need to be weak right now until Count Dooku is ready for you to ingest this cordelia like your friend suggested. For now, you will be here just drugged but soon with your help, the Republic scum will fall like the trash they are."

"The republic?" I question confused.

"You will learn in a moment once we are in the right galaxy again." General Grievous said, "But you will be trained with the lightsaber because you are strong and with your extra powers, you will be unstoppable. The Jedi won't know about this drug." He laughs before walking closer to me. "What is your name child?" I didn't want to be called child for the rest of this trip so I decided to answer.

"Atlantia." I say, "My name is Atlantia."

"Well, Atlantia." General Grievous said stepping back to a panel on the wall, "Enjoy your nap." He laughs as he pulls the lever. I see a fog appear in the room and I knew it was cordelia. I tried to hold my breath but of course I eventually had to breathe and the cordelia knocked me out.

When I began to awake again, the ship was under attack. The ship was shaking as the ship was hit with whatever weapons were used out here in space. The two droids were still here and they didn't seem fazed by the ship being underattacked.

"Uhhh, do you know what we are supposed to do if she awakes?" One of them says pointing their gun at me.

"No idea, why?" The other one asks.

"Because she is awake!" Droid one sounded alarmed.

"Don't worry she is drugged." Droid two said walking over to me, "She can't hurt you." Just as he says that, I hear a whoosh that sounded like a lightsaber turning on and then some screams from outside the door of droids dying before the door opens. Two men dressed in robes, one black and one a tan color, step in brandishing their lightsabers, both of them had blue lightsabers.

"But they can!" Droid one shouted pointing his weapon at them but one of the men, he was dressed in the black robe raised his hand and the droid flew toward him and he slashed the droid in half with the lightsaber. The man in the tan robe did the same with the other droid. Once the danger was clear, the black robed man, who looked younger then the tan robed one , hit a few buttons on the panel and the clasps unlock. The older tan robed man, now that he was closer allowed me to see that he also had a beard that suited him, turned off his lightsaber before putting on his belt. He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me up.

"Let's get you out of here," He said helping me stand when sensing something was keeping my weak, "what's your name child?"

"Atlantia," I say weakly.

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