Chapter 39: The Empire found us.

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It didn't take long for Han to build he shelter and soon the three of us were bundle up next to each other under the shelter. Luke was still unconscious and I couldn't waste energy healing him if we didn't know how long we were going to be out here especially since I was keeping a small fire in my hand to warm up the three of us. Han even crawled underneath my cloak to try to get closer to my heat producing body.

"So, maybe you and I should chat to keep each other awake." Han said pulling the cloak closer.

"Good idea. Anything you want to talk about?" I say before a thought popped into my head, "Maybe you and Leia?"

"You noticed the connection we have but she won't admit it. That's just great." Han said. I laugh.

"She doesn't want to admit it because you have to admit you are a little bit of a bad boy." I begin smiling at him, "A princess like her would not normally be falling in love with your character. Instead more of the clean fairytale prince that young girls picture they would marry."

"You think that should would ever admit to her feelings?" Han asks.

"Yeah, she will. I've seen it. Just keep being yourself and she will admit to her feelings eventually." I say nudging him slightly with my elbow. He smiles.

"Atlantia, how old are you again? You look eighteen but speak like someone who is in their fifties. Someone who has been through it all." Han asks slowly carefully watching me to see if he overstepped his boundary.

"I think I'm coming up on forty soon. I stopped aging when I was eighteen so I don't exact know. And for the speaking like I am older, I've always felt like I was in my thirties when I was like five or six." I sigh as I remember my past, "That was when I learned of my heritage and like six years later, I lost the people I got close to so I guess I'm not surprised I sound older than I am." I began to shiver again so I open my wings and wrapped it around myself and Han. Luke was alright in my cloak, and using my body heat as his personal heater so I didn't bother trying to find a way to cover him with my wings. Han and I chatted through the night and when the temperature rose a bit, I crawled out of the shelter with Han as we waited for the rebellion to make contact with us. A couple of hours later we heard something over our comms.

"Commander Skywalker, do you copy? This is Rogue 2." A pilot said over the comms. I smiled but before I could grab the comms, Han grabbed it.

"Good morning! Nice of you guys to drop by." Han said waving at the pilot as he flew over us. HE lands just a few feet from our camp. Quickly we grabbed the stuff and the pilot helped Han carry Luke into the transport as I carried the shelter and other gear we brought. Few minutes later we were back on base and although I wanted to make sure Luke recovered alright, I had to take care of my own body. I made my way to my quarters to soak in the bath to heal my body. Keeping Luke and Han warmed had used a lot of my energy not to mention the cold out there was a little too cold then my body could handle with my heat being drawn from my body. I settled into the bath for a while and accidently fell asleep for a while which would have been bad if I couldn't breathe underwater but luckily I can. When I do awake, it is because of an announcement being made over the intercom.

"Headquarters personnel, report to command center." I groaned when I heard the message but pushed myself out of the water and quickly got dressed in slightly warmer clothes then I had been wearing since my body still felt cold before making my way to the command center. Since it took me longer then Leia and Han to show up to the command center, I arrived just in time to hear a message being played. I recognized the language from when I was a part of the Imperial army.

"Sir, I'm fluent in six million forms of communication. This signal is not used by the Alliance. It could be an imperial code." C-3Po said.

"He's right." I said walking closer to the group, "It's an imperial code. One used by probes."

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