Chapter 25: Training

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I followed Gerrera through the forest with my vision power on but as we continue to move, I turn it off as not to waste energy. Gerrera must have noticed because he stops abruptly.

"Why did you turn off your vision power?" He asked curious.

"It wastes energy to use it when I can just use my ears since we aren't in a state where I have to see what is happening." I explain.

"Ahh," Gerrera says before I hear him move closer to me. My muscles naturally tense up in response to his movement since I have been betrayed too many times in the last four years to not be wary of people even though who I have known to be my friend in the past. "It's ok, Atlantia. I'm not going to hurt you. I was just going to offer you my arm."

I reach my arm cautiously in front of me before feeling a muscular arm in front of me. Once my arm was laid on Gerrera's arm softly, Gerrera began to walk again leading me carefully through the woods. My ears were on high alert listening for any signs of danger but the forest was quiet except for the sounds we were making and the sounds the local animals were making. However, a few minutes after I had turned off my future power, I heard movement and chatter that was not animal made. My body tenses up as Gerrera leads me toward the sounds. I know realistically it was just Gerrera's team but my body and mind wouldn't allow me to relax till I knew it was absolutely safe.

"Fortris!" I hear Gerrera call out happily when the chatter was at its loudest but then it instantly quieted when we got to the center of it. Gerrera lets go of my arm and I can hear him giving a manly hug to someone and as much as I want to see what's going on, I rather not turn on my power.

"Saw who is this?" I hear someone ask warily.

"This is Atlantia Brooks. A Jedi." Gerrera introduces pulling me toward him.

"A Jedi!" I hear a little girl's voice say before a small being slams into my legs wrapping them in a hug. My body instantly tensed up but I forced it to relax knowing that the girl was just being a kid. I wrapped my arm cautiously around the little girl.

"Careful, Lieda!" Saw warned letting go of my arm to kneel down to the ground judging by the crunch of the leaves. "She can't see you and she has had a hard life. Atlantia is going to be frightened if you surprise her like that."

"I'm sorry," Lieda apologizes in the cutest voice I ever heard.

"It's alright and Saw is right, I will be frightened but that doesn't mean you can't give me hugs alright?" I say hopeful I was looking in the right direction. I feel Lieda nod against my legs before I hear someone calling for the children to come over to her. Lieda lets go of my leg and runs toward the voice and I hear a bunch of little footsteps disappear from the area we were in.

"Saw, is the Jedi blind?" I hear someone ask.

"Yes, I'm blind. I lost my eyesight to Darth Vader." I explain.

"But Palpatine has been trying to capture you unharmed?" A woman asks confused, "Why would Darth Vader blind you?"

I scoff, "Palpatine gave up on the "no harm" thing after I escaped his clutches at the end of the Clone Wars. The clones, stormtroopers, Vader, or whoever is after me are allowed to hurt me as long as they don't kill me or harm me in a way that will prevent me from being an asset to Palpatine."

"Doesn't making you blind go against that?" Someone asked.

"Not really because..." I allow my eyes to glow blue as I stare at the scene in front of me for the first time. Saw was right next to me as we stood in the center of this makeshift camp. There were not many comforts but crates of supplies which some of the people were using as seats and I could also see some tents that I was assuming was used for sleeping. "I can see if I wanted to."

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